Promethean Sessions and Renfrewshire Train the Trainer @PrometheanUKI

Why not sign up for our Renfrewshire Train the Trainer sessions starting on 6 September? It can be booked via CPD Manager, under Course ID 79008. All the sessions are held at West College Scotland.

Date Start Finish
06/09/2022 09:00 15:00
01/11/2022 09:00 15:00
31/01/2023 09:00 15:00
25/04/2023 09:00 15:00

We will also be running some other Renfrewshire Promethean sessions – keep an eye on CPD Manager for more details!

For more Promethean sessions across Scotland, check out the links below:

Scottish Webinar Links 2022

August Webinar – Meet your ActivPanel, When: Tuesday 30th August 2022 @4pm

September Webinar – Become a Promethean Certified Teacher!, When: Tuesday 27th September 2022 @4pm

October Webinar – Timesaving ActivInspire Lesson Preparation, When: Tuesday 25th October @4pm

November Webinar – Merry ActivHolidays!, When: Tuesday 29th November 2022 @4pm

December Webinar – Web-a-licious ActivPanel Interactivity!, When: Tues 13th December 2022 @4pm

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