Its been a busy January! New girls and boys have started and they have all settled in very well. The children have taken advantage of our snow days and have also been learning a little bit about Robert Burns. There has been a tremendous amount of constructing over the past month by our budding architects, builders and problem solvers….keep designing as you surprise us everyday!
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Children In Need
P5 Class Newsletter 2018
P3 Class Newsletter 2018
Nursery AM Trip – Finlaystone Country Park
We had lots of fun today on our AM session trip to Finlaystone Country Park.
We played in the woods and there was lots of exciting things to play on. We climbed on the tram and the fort, played on the slides and swings and we pretended to be pirates on the pirate ship! We also took part in a ranger led activity and went on a bug hunt.
Homework w/c 30th April
- Talk Homework – we’ve been talking about tall tales this week. Children will be asked to come up with their own tall tale about a town where unusual things fall from the sky. Could you please talk about this at home?
- Children have the option of creating 2D or 3D food as part of their topic work. If they wish to model 3D food then we would like them to bring in any recycling/junk to make their own models.
- Continue with spelling and maths challenges that were handed out last week
- Reading as usual
Homework Week beginning 19th March
Write a paragraph about your favourite sport or song. Write about why it is your favourite sport or song and perhaps include information about your favourite player or singer.
Success Criteria:
* Use descriptive vocabulary
* Use the correct punctuation (capital letters, full-stops, etc.)
* Must be an appropriate length
Numeracy and Maths
Renfrewshire Sumdog challenge. Aim for at least 10 minutes per night.
ERIC books, Reading Eggs or Ginn (whatever applies to you). You can do some quick skill games on Sumdog, too.
£1 for Sport Relief and an additional £1 for Sport Relief bands.
Sports clothing all week.
Why we need cm/m
Zoolab Visits Pr 2b
Living Things
Gruffalo clay art in P2
P2 had fun using clay in Art to create their own gruffalo faces
Homework w/c 5th March
HOMEWORK W/C 5th March
- Spelling words: Copy and complete spelling words twice. Complete activity 7 plus one other of your choice.
- Reading: Please aim to read all of your reading books in the week. This can be done in ‘chunks’ over a few days.
- Maths: This week we are thinking about numbers to 1000, there is an ordering sheet in the children’s homework jotters.
- Talk Homework: Talk about an adventure you could have with Paddington.
- Technology: Mr Lowitt would like us to collect shoe boxes over the next few weeks for a project. We are looking for the kind that has a removable lid.
P3 winners visit ‘ Inspired’ art exhibition
Fields of Fun visit
Primary 2 were honoured to be asked to help judge a competition for local dog walking and grooming business Fields of Fun. They had the difficult job of choosing one of these lovely dogs to be the model in their advertising campaign. It was a difficult decision but the children eventually chose Cookie the Cockapoo. Isn’t she cute?
Kandinsky art
Is it a need or want? You decide Primary 2b
Pr2b number of the day
We’re Going On A Bear Hunt
We’re going to catch a big one, we’re not scared!
That was the often-heard cry from P1b at the start of term as we spent weeks learning about the great outdoors, its plants and animals as we read Michael Rosen’s We’re Going On A Bear Hunt.
Wearing wellies and armed with our own binoculars, were explored our fantastic playing fields to investigate the story’s grass, river, mud, forest, snowy and cave habitats.
We even learned about rhyming words, descriptive words and sound words. Then, to top it all off, we proved to our teachers that we could sequence the story by taking part in an obstacle course during PE.

P5b Homework 13/11/17
Happy Monday! Please check out our blog post from last week.
All homework should be completed by Friday 17th November
Literacy – Spelling – Homophones
- Write out word list another three times.
- Write the words out in alphabetical order and circle the vowels
Numeracy – Mental maths – Worksheet
Complete the sheet and use strategies covered in class.
Reading -ERIC Book
Aim to read every night, or at least three times a week. Remember to read aloud.
Budding illustrators
P3/2 had a fantastic trip to Lunderston Bay
The sun was shining and we had a fantastic day exploring the seashore with a ranger from Clyde Muirshiel. We learned about all sorts of different creatures as well as having a picnic and a play.

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