Category Archives: Special Events

Christmas Fayre Fun

Our Christmas Fayre was a roaring success with parents, friends and family turning  out in force to support this very special event. There were queues to see Santa, an amazing array of festive goodies to buy  and lots of prizes to win. Every child in the school and nursery had been involved in producing  items to sell and that is exactly what they did with many of the items sold out in record time.   Business was so brisk at our Christmas cafe that we ran out of hot chocolate!  There was a little competitive edge to this year’s Fayre as each house had to come up with ideas for stalls and products to sell with points being awarded to the  house which generated the biggest profit. The cash is still being counted so at this point we don’t know whether it will be Arran, Bute, Cumbrae or Skye – watch this space!  A huge “thank you” must go to our Parent Council, to everyone who volunteered on the night, to our stall holders and, of course, to everyone who came along on the evening and helped make it such a success. 

Road Safety Week 2017

This is Road Safety Week and we were delighted to welcome both of our lollipop ladies along to assembly today. Mrs Ingalls and Mrs Singer answered questions posed by some of our P3a pupils and gave us some really good advice to help us keep safe when crossing the road. Their two top tips were a) not to step out onto the road until they let you know that it is safe to do so and b) keep looking and listening as you cross the road – don’t be looking at your mobile phone!  The main message of this year’s campaign is Speed Down and we watched a short video which demonstrated how long it can take for a driver to slow down or stop if they see something on the road.  We can encourage children to be careful on the roads but ultimately it’s the adults who drive the cars who make the difference by keeping their speed down.  Why not have a look at the video we watched today at assembly?

Look Who Popped In To See Us……

Thank you SO much to everyone who responded to our appeal to bring in a teddy or soft toy to support ACCORD Hospice.  We were blown away by your kindness and generosity and so were Charlie Bear and Vanessa from ACCORD who came along to assembly to collect the donated cuddly toys.  We found out a little about the work which the hospice does and the huge amount of money (£2.8 million) which is required to keep it running.  Charlie Bear also demonstrated some pretty cool dance moves!


Mrs Vallance’s Big Day

Mrs Vallance had a wonderful day celebrating her retirement and loved visiting all the classes to let them see her lovely gifts.   Her sporting hero Andy Murray wasn’t able to be there in person but a life size cut out accompanied her on her visits and a card from Judy, Andy and Jamie Murray (just about) made up for it.  Each class presented Mrs Vallance with a special memento and the day was full of surprises including a “flash mob” dance in the playground and a rendition of Carol King’s “You’ve Got A Friend” both of which involved every pupil in the school.   Our theme for the day was Wimbledon and finished off with a nail biting tennis  final between Stanley in P6 and Findlay in P5. The whole school watched as the boys thrashed it out in a very closely contested game with  Findlay  just edging ahead and becoming the very first winner of the Vallance Cup.  The standard of tennis was outstanding – watch out Andy Murray!

Primary 4 British Heart Foundation Fundraiser

On Wednesday all the Primary 4 took part in a sports challenge to raise money for the British Heart Foundation. They spent a fun hour taking part in dodgeball, skipping, distance running and penalty shoot out. The weather was glorious and the pupils have raised £230 so far! Thank you for your generous support.



Feis Phaislig

Primary 4 – 6 had a real treat when three very talented musicians from Feis Phaislig visited and performed for us last Friday.  They played a selection of traditional music on the accordion, harp and guitar and told us about the Feis workshops which are available in Paisley this summer.  No previous experience is required but anyone who’s interested should sign up soon as places are going fast!


We Love Science!

We were delighted to welcome Dr Michael Quinn along to our assembly on Monday and were very interested to hear all that he had to tell us about science and the impact it can have on our everyday lives.  He took time to explain about the many different  specialisms within science ranging from chemistry to zoology  and shared with us some of the very interesting work he and his students at the University of the West of Scotland had been doing on plastics.

BBC 10 Pieces

On the 2 March 2017 Primary 6 were very cultured as they went on a trip to The Glasgow City Halls to see the BBC Symohony Orchestra play 10 famous pieces of classical music.
These included pieces such as Mars from The Planets and Beethoven’s 5th Symphony.
We were wonderfully entertained and it reminded us again of the families of the orchestra as well as creating more of an interest in classical music.
What a bargain for £1!

Scottish Concert

Grandparents and senior citizens were thoroughly entertained at our Scottish concert on Friday 9th February when pupils did themselves proud with their wonderful singing, dancing, reciting, guitar playing, bagpipe blowing and even a wee bit of joke telling from Cameron our very accomplished compere!








Christmas Fayre

What an amazing turnout for our Christmas Fayre last night! A queue had formed before the doors opened at 6.30pm and within minutes the hall was filled with parents and excited children ready for face painting, Santa’s grotto and all kinds of Christmas goodies.  Pupils had been honing their enterprise skills and produced an impressive array of decorations, sweet treats and  other items to sell on the evening.  A huge thank you to our Parent Council who put so much effort into organising this event and to everyone who came along and helped make it such a success.








