Category Archives: Primary 4a

P4a BFG Topic

We’ve had a lot of fun reading The BFG and doing work and activities relating to parts of the story. For instance, we made ourselves big ears from paper plates.

We each made a miniature of a Buckingham Palace room using a shoebox.

Fairtrade Art Competition

Every class took part in this year’s competition which was to draw and colour a picture which included the Fairtrade logo. Every class had one winner and the overall winners were Dylan P4a, Jennifer P6a and Sofia P5b. The prizes were Fairtrade chocolate and key rings. The judges were the P4 Fairtrade committee. All the entries were very good and the best are now on display in school.

The Fairtrade committee

The winning pictures

Fairtrade Art Competition 2018

This year’s school competition is to draw a picture which includes the Fairtrade logo, for example as the eye of an animal or in the fabric of a dress. All pupils will have time in class to make an entry. There is a prize for each class. The closing date is 28 February . We are looking forward to seeing lots of imaginative ideas.

P4a The 12 Days of Christmas

We’ve had a lot of fun with this Christmas activity. We used our art skills to create different collages. We showed off our singing skills by performing the song. In maths, we did a problem solving activity to answer the question, ” How many gifts did the true love send altogether?”  We displayed some of our work on our corridor notice board.

Wizard of Oz

This is a live link to this year’s pantomime performance! We’re loving watching The Wizard of Oz – so far we’ve met Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, the Lion and the Wicked Witch of the West. Lots of laughs, songs to join in with and our Christmas lunch to look forward to too!


P4a Visiting Engineer

We really enjoyed the visit of Craig Knowles, an engineer from the University of Strathclyde. He talked about his work and the pupils asked lots of questions about his job and projects he has been involved in. He brought in his furnace suit and everyone could try on the helmet. Fun!

P4a Tennis

James from Strathgryffe Tennis Club came to teach the children yesterday. They really enjoyed the games and activities . They learned how to practise new skills in pairs and tennis balls were mostly under control in the gym hall.