Parental Involvement

Thank you to all our parent helpers who have helped us over the past year.

Some parents have popped in to share their knowledge of their job with the children. eg  One of our parents is a dentist and he spoke to the children about his work as a dentist and about how important it is to keep out teeth clean and healthy. We are also keen to have parent helpers who are happy to share a skill or hobby with the children or to help out with the day to day activities within the nursery class. A new diary for this will be displayed in September 2018.

We have also had a few parents who have came in to read a story to the children. This has been a lovely experience for the child of the parent reading the story and for the rest of the nursery children. This is normally at the end of the AM or PM session for 10-15 minutes. We will be looking for more volunteers for this after the summer from September onwards.