The Three Little Pigs

The Friendly Dragon left us some clues about the story he would like us to read first. 

A pig mask…

Some sticks…

He also left us some straw and bricks.  Did you guess it was the story of The Three Little Pigs?

We worked in teams to build our own houses.  We tried to make them as strong as we could so they could not be blown down. We chose to make them out of straws, sticks or bricks.

We used play dough to hold the straws together.

It was tricky making it all stick together and stand up without falling over!

We used large lollipop sticks and play dough to build the stick houses.  The walls had to be straight or it would fall down!

We used Duplo for the brick house.  This was the easiest house to build but it took a long time building the walls.