P2 Nativity costumes

I realise that it is a few weeks since we sent home the letter regarding  costumes so I hope you find the reminder below helpful.

P2 pupils will be dressed as citizens for all performances and should bring in a simple  costume to wear. This could be a plain coloured or striped dressing gown + a tea towel as a headdress for boys or a simple tunic with a belt + a headsquare or shawl for girls. Some tips for making a simple “no sew” costume can be found at http://www.makeyourownnativitycostumes.co.uk/files/no-sew-costume.php.   An old curtain, folded in half with a slit cut for the head to get through can also work very well.

Please note that our dress rehearsal to the rest of the school is on Wednesday morning so costumes should be sent in before then in a clearly labelled bag.

Many thanks for your assistance with this.