Tag Archives: Brazil

P5S – Brazil – Food Glorious Food

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What a great time we had this morning preparing, cooking and tasting our Brazilian dishes. I am absolutely delighted you enjoyed it so much.

Our class had the complicated task of preparing the tapiocas. I had prepared the clay -like  paste at home to make it a little easier to work with this morning. Can you explain to someone at home how the mixture started out?  Most of you had the chance to sieve the clay to make the mixture ready for cooking. It was quite hard work for some of you!  The tapiocas didn’t take too long to cook and you were soon tucking into them. They went down a treat! Tell someone at home how the mixture reacted to the heat from the stove.

You also had to prepare and cut up the mangoes. Again this was done very well and we had lots and lots to eat. This was the first time some of you had tasted mango and it was liked by all. Maybe you can try some at home too.

Chloe S and Innis were our photographers today and took many, many photographs. Please have a wee nosey at them.

P5 – Brazilian Food Recipes

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This morning we had a fun-filled time preparing, cooking and tasting some Brazilian dishes. I am so pleased you enjoyed them so much that you wanted to try the dishes at home.

Please find below the links for both recipes. The main ingredients can be bought in a number of places however I purchased them in Holland & Barrett.  I have included the link for the tapioca flour and the recipe of how to make  them. There is a lot of preparation for the tapioca however, as you tasted today, they are well worth the effort. You may also wish to try the non-gluten free version. The recipe is just the same.

Pao de Queijo (cheese bread)

Tapioca Flour

Tapioca Recipe



P5 – Brazil – Travel Guide

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We are reaching the final weeks of our Brazil topic and to date you have learned an incredible amount of information. You are going to use some of this knowledge for our next task.

For today’s task you are going to create a travel guide for Brazil. Brazil is visited by millions of tourists every year. It has many attractions and hosts many events that tourists find appealing.

Below are a number of links which you should access to research the information you will include in your travel guide. Notes should be taken in your topic jotter. You should have clear heading to separate your information. Please remember you will already have some of the relevant information in your jotters from previous tasks. DO NOT give yourself extra work by rewriting the same information in your jotter.

Please read your task sheet carefully so you are aware of the areas to be included in your guide.

10 Best Places to Visit in Brazil

10 Top Tourist Attractions in Brazil

Brazil – Video

Christ the Redeemer Statue

Iguaza Falls

Sugarloaf Mountain

Teatro Amazonas


P5S – Brazil: Indigenous Tribes

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Today’s topic task saw us researching the indigenous tribes of Brazil who live in the Amazon Rainforest. Can you remember some information to share with someone at home?

For our research we had to look at different aspects of tribal life:

  • How many tribes there are and the number of languages spoken: you should include the names of 3 tribes, the name of the largest tribe and the languages they speak.
  • Tribal way of life including clothing, face painting, the roles of men and women and any other facts you think are relevant
  • Rituals and beliefs
  • The threats to the Brazilian tribes

Illustrations were to be included to support your facts. Can you remember some information to share with someone at home?

Where possible you were to transfer your notes into your own words. How did you do? Have a look at your fact file pages below. Show your fact file to someone at home; especially the page(s) you completed.







P5 Brazil – Indigenous Tribes

Today we will be learning about the indigenous people who live in the Brazilian rainforest. There are many tribes living a very different life from ours. Our task today involves you researching different aspects of their lives.

Task:  Using the links and images provided each group member should take as many notes as they can in the given time. Notes should then be shared within each group to ensure all group members have the same knowledge.

Your notes should be used to write a group fact file about the indigenous tribes of Brazil. All group members should be involved. You should include information on the following:

  • How many tribes there are and the number of languages spoken. You should include the names of 3 tribes and the languages they speak. The name of the largest tribe.
  • Tribal way of life including clothing, face painting, the roles of men and women and any other facts you think are relevant
  • Rituals and beliefs
  • The threats to the Brazilian tribes
  • Drawings to illustrate your facts

Please use only the links  and images provide when researching today.

Rainforest Tribes – Facts

Brazilian Indians


P5S – Brazil – Beatriz Milhazes Artwork P5 Style

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Most of our artwork inspired by Brazilian artist Beatriz Milhazes  @milhazesbeatrix is finally completed and on the wall! I have to say it was definitely worth the wait. They look fabulous!

Beatriz is an artist known for her colourful abstract paintings filled with many different shapes and swirling patterns: just like a kaleidoscope.

Everyone in class chose their favourite painting and created their own interpretation using paints or pencils. The final pieces are just wonderful. I am a very proud teacher.

Please show off your design to someone at home.




P5 – Brazil – Favelas – Another side to Brazil

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Today we will be learning about favelas in Brazil. There are many favelas (shanty towns) in Brazil, housing millions of people. Our task today involves you researching different aspects of these areas.

Task:  Using the information provided (Powerpoint, blog links and videos), each group member should take as many notes as they can in the given time. Notes should then be shared within each group to ensure all group members have the same knowledge.

Your notes should be used to write a detailed script which will then be used to produce a news report on favelas in Brazil. All group members should be involved. You should include information on the following:

  • What is a favela?
  • Where can they be found?
  • Why are they there?
  • What are the conditions like?
  • Who lives in them?
  • Why do people choose to stay there?
  • Why are these areas still growing?
  • What could be done to help?

Please use only these links when researching today.

KidsSearch – Favelas

Rio’s Favelas

Favela Life: Rio’s city within a city

Favela Life: A Child’s View

Newsround: What is life like in a Brazilian favela?



P5S – Brazil – Scotland v Brazil

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Our latest task for our Brazil topic had us comparing Scotland with Brazil. We even had to compare Bishopton with a village in Brazil: Trancoso. We looked at the houses, streets, shops, schools and even the beaches. Please tell someone at home something you learned about Brazil or Trancoso.

After looking at lots of information and photographs on both countries and villages, each group had to use their information to create a comparison poster. How you did so was entirely up you! You were asked to be creative. Did you succeed?

Have a look at the finished posters. Our Hot Raindrops group have not quite finished their poster so it will be added very soon.











P5 – Brazil – Mapping Task

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 This week we will be using our skills in mapping to identify and locate the main cities, important areas of interest, relevant rivers, oceans and the bordering countries of Brazil.

Our learning outcome for this task is:  I can successfully use a map to locate specific places and show these on a blank map.

To extend my mental map and sense of place, I can interpret information from different types of maps and am beginning to locate key features within Scotland, UK, Europe or the wider world.SOC 2-14a

The skills we are focusing on today are:

Skills for Learning:Application: I can select specific information from a map and display this correctly on a blank map, showing my understanding of countries within the wider world.

Skill for WorkSelf-direction: I can remain on task and work collaboratively with my group members to complete a task in an allocated time.

Use the links below, and a class atlas, to find the required locations within Brazil. Please read your task sheet carefully, and work closely with your group members, to  ensure you locate as many of these places as possible within the allocated time.

Google Maps

Map of the World – Brazil


You have ONE HOUR in the IT Suite to complete your research. You will also have ONE HOUR in class to complete the second part of the task. Please use your time wisely.

P5S – Google Expedition

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What a great start to the afternoon! What great excitement from you all! The screaming was very loud!

Did you tell someone at home that we travelled to Brazil this afternoon and saw many areas of Rio de Janerio and Sao Paulo? On our travels we looked at buildings, beaches, artwork, and even football stadiums. We paid the famous statue, Christ the Redeemer, a visit which caused much excitement.  We learned just how high and wide it actually is. Can you remember?

Once we had our tour of Brazil we had time for a shark experience down deep in the sea before heading to the moon. We certainly got about this afternoon.

A huge thank you to Primary 4 for letting us share the Google Expedition experience today. I thoroughly enjoyed your reaction.

Thank you to Mrs McKay for being our photographer.

P5H Brazilian Home Team Challenge

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On Monday we started our new topic on Brazil with a research task in the IT Suite. Each new group had to research a number of aspects that related to Brazil. You all had to take suitable notes, using headings and bullet points and you then were to use these to decide on a group name. Please share some interesting facts with someone at home.

Learning Outcome: I can create an interesting group name which is linked to Brazil.

The skills you used were:

Skill for Learning – Synthesis: I can list my research under suitable headings. I can use this information to help my group choose a suitable group name

Social Skill: As a group we can reach an agreement in the correct manner.

I was impressed at how well some of our new groups worked on their first task together. I heard some fantastic ideas being shared, and the task was divided up well with nearly everyone doing their part to make the task a success.

Well done!

Here are some photographs of our new Brazilian groups working on their Home Team Challenge.

Mrs Hughes

P5S – Brazil – Dancing like the Brazilians do ……..

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What a fun time we had this afternoon in our P.E. session! Unfortunately we were unable to use the gym hall however we managed just fine with the space we had in class.

There was much hilarity as we tried to master some Latin dance moves as part of our topic. There were some tricky moves and some easy moves and even some very funny moves but you took it in your stride and gave it your all. The enthusiasm was wonderful to see! A HUGE well done P5S! I am looking forward to next week’s session already.

Here are some photographs of you practicing your moves. There are a few blurry ones due to them being “action” shots however you should still manage to make out the big smiles.

P5S – Brazil – Meet our new groups

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Today you created the banners for over your groups and your new wall space. I have to say they look wonderful. Your group name was to relate to Brazil in some way and I think you managed that very well. Please explain to someone at home why your group chose the name they did and the link it has to Brazil.

Meet our new groups for term 2.













P5S – All About Brazil Part 1

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Yesterday we started our new topic on Brazil with a research task in the IT Suite. Each of our new groups had to research a number of aspects relating to Brazil. You were to take suitable notes, with headings which you then used to decide on a group name. Are you able to share some interesting facts with someone at home? Do you know what the motto is on the Brazilian flag or how many stars it has on it?

Our Learning Outcome for this task was: I can create an interesting group name which is linked to Brazil.

I can discuss issues of the diversity of cultures, values and customs in our society. SOC 2-16c

I can make notes, organise them under suitable headings and use them to understand information, develop my thinking, explore problems and create new texts, using my own words as appropriate. LIT 2-15a

The skills were:

Skill for LearningSynthesis: I can list my research under suitable headings. I can use this information to help my group choose a suitable group name

 Social Skill: As a group we can reach an agreement in the correct manner.

I was very impressed at just how well some of our new groups worked today on their first task together. I heard some great ideas being shared, notes were being discussed and when self-assessing many of you were very honest with how you worked together. Well done!

Here are some photographs of our new groups working on their Home Team Challenge.