Category Archives: Whole School News

Infant Registration

If your child has their 5th birthday between 1 March 2021 and 28 February 2022, you should register them for school next week – and we’re asking you to do this online.

Go to anytime between Monday 2 and Monday 9 November. 

You’ll need to have a few things ready to upload:

  1. a copy of your child’s full birth certificate
  2. proof of address – Council Tax and Child Benefit Statement (or Driving Licence, utility/bank statement showing last 3 months transactions)
  3. Roman Catholic Baptismal Certificate (if applicable)

If you can’t register online, please phone your local catchment school to arrange an appointment. This is really important – please do not turn up at school without an appointment.

Poppy Appeal

As you will be aware, each year the school supports the Poppy Scotland appeal by taking Poppies to the classes in the school.

Current restrictions mean that this is not possible this year. However the Bishopton Community have set up a just giving page to allow everyone in the village to continue to support this great charity.

We would love it if you would visit this link and donate the money that you would normally send into school directly to the charity.

As always thank you for your generous support.

ParentPortal – Please Open Accounts

Will all parents who have NOT opened their PARENTPORTAL ACCOUNT please do so A.S.A.P.

The process to complete the annual data check online is detailed below:-

  1. DO NOT have a MyAccount set up
  2. ALREADY have a MyAccount set up
    • Please visit our website, using the address below and follow the online guidance to sign up to PARENTSPORTAL and link to your child.

You can now complete the annual data check online via ParentsPortal.

Thank you in advance.

New Dargavel Primary School Letter

Dear Parent/ Carer,

Pupils who live within the catchment area for Dargavel Primary have been given a letter today in their school bag with information regarding moving to  the new school.

Please complete and send the information back to school as soon as possible. If you do not receive a letter but think you should, please let us know.

If you have any questions please get in touch and we will do our best to answer.

Welcome Back -Term 2

We are looking forward to welcoming everyone back to school tomorrow (Tuesday 20th October) and we hope that you have all had some opportunity to relax and recharge over the past week.

Term 1 was certainly a challenge as we all adapted to the new routines within the school any beyond. We had hoped that this was likely to be short term but this is not the case and the current COVID secure procedures will remain in place.

Although the weather is likely to deteriorate over the coming weeks we will still be making use of our outdoor space when it is appropriate to do so. We have been advised that outdoor PE will remain the only option for the foreseeable future. Therefore please continue to send your child prepared for inclement weather.  We will continue to be outdoors when the rain is not too heavy. We will not be outside if the weather is too severe or the conditions underfoot make it impossible to do so.

As we move in to cold an flu seasons it is likely that we will see more pupils in school complaining of feeling unwell. As per the guidance, if a child informs a member of staff that they are experiencing any of the 3 recognised symptoms of COVID, the parent or carer will be contacted to come and collect their child. If this is the case the child cannot return to school until we have notification of a negative test result or for 10 days if the pupil is not tested. Please remember that school staff are not medically trained to make a judgement on a child’s symptoms and we are only working  within the published guidance.

We hope that you found your telephone parent appointment a positive experience. We will post a link for feedback in the coming days. It is important for us to hear this feedback so that we can ensure that you are getting the information you require about your child’s progress. If for any reason you were unable to receive the call please let us know so that we can reschedule .

We thank you all for your patience and support throughout term 1.  Term 2 is always a busy and exciting time in school with a number of significant events usually taking place.  Although these cannot take the traditional format this year, we do hope to still participate in as many as possible. We will be in touch over the coming weeks with more information.

The doors will be open from 8.45 tomorrow and we look forward to seeing you then.

Christmas Card/Mug Orders

The template for your child’s Christmas card, mug and other products are in school bags.  All profits go to the School Funds. Ordering this year is once again ONLINE ONLY and instructions are printed on the template.

Please check the spelling of your child’s name and class, making any amendments as appropriate before ordering.


The drawings can be viewed at:-


Winter Contingency Planning- Please Respond

As we head into the winter we will be putting our usual contingency plans in place, this session we have an additional consideration with the continued increase in cases of COVID-19.

As Test and Protect Scotland is in touch with more people, we expect to see an increase in the numbers of pupils being asked to self isolate at home. To help us in planning for how best to support the learning of any pupil not in school, we have created a short survey that can be found below.

During the period of home learning from March to June we used MS Teams to support this and it worked very well for us. It would be our preference to continue with this platform as almost all pupils in P2-7 are already familiar with it and teachers have been using it with pupils to deliver homework.

However we understand that, for a variety of reasons, not everyone can access this platform, therefor the survey results will allow us to make the best plans for individuals should they need to access their learning from home.

The more information we have the easier it is for us to provide support for any access issues.

Please note home learning will only be provided for those who are self isolating without symptoms. As is normal practise, pupils who are off ill will not be expected to work at home and will be supported to catch up on their learning when they are fit to do so.

Thank you for your continued support.

Sumdog – Maths Week Scotland – Friday 25th Sep

Sumdog have organised a National Contest for Maths Week Scotland. All P2-7 pupils have been entered into the contest. It starts at 8am on Friday 25th September and ends at 8pm on Thursday 1st October. They will be playing games in class and if you can play at home to help your class climb the leader board, go for it!

Please ask your teacher if you are unsure of your username or password.


Thank You and September Newsletter

Firstly thank you to all who donated books towards the class library stock. These will be distributed to classes and are a welcome addition to our current selection.

Please also see our September newsletter. We are trying to minimise the number of pieces of paper sent home, so only those that require a return will be sent in paper format.

On behalf of all the staff I would like to wish you all a wonderful holiday weekend. We look forward to seeing everyone back in school on Tuesday 29th September.


Letter Sep2020

Maths Week Scotland 2020 – 28th September to 4th October

@AttainRen #MWSREN

From Monday 28th September to Sunday 4th October, we will be celebrating all things about maths and numeracy because it is Maths Week Scotland 2020! The Renfrewshire theme is ‘Maths at Work‘ so your child may be asking you when and how you use maths in your job or every day life.

P2-7 pupils are all entered in the National Sumdog Contest which  they will play in school and can also play at home. We will be having fun in school exploring and investigating a variety of maths topics and concepts. We will be challenging ourselves with low floor high ceiling tasks and making mistakes and connections throughout the week!

Keep checking our blog and Twitter feed for photos and updates of what we are up to!