Please take a look at our parent/carer guide to how we support the “Getting It Right For Every Child”GIRFEC principles at Bishopton Primary School.
Click here
Please take a look at our parent/carer guide to how we support the “Getting It Right For Every Child”GIRFEC principles at Bishopton Primary School.
Click here
As pupils have spent the day focusing on reading as part of world book day, we are reissuing information on the Accelerate Reader programme we use with pupils in P4-7 to encourage their love of reading. As always if you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.
If you are in Paisley visit the About Us event. The event features Scratch animations and poems created by school pupils across Renfrewshire, including our own P6 pupils.
Please note, for this week only, the main lunch option will be swapped on Wednesday and Thursday.
Wednesday 2nd March – Macaroni Cheese
Thursday 3rd March – Mince and Mashed Potatoes
Dear Parent/Carer
Thank you for helping us raise £382 towards the Parent Council funds. Your donation will go towards helping pay for upcoming events.
There is a Parent Council meeting this Wed 2nd March 7-8pm via Teams (video).
Please come along and show your support, the more participants the better.
Restrictions are now being lifted and we hope to plan lots of upcoming events.
Have your say in what they should be.
Events can’t go ahead without your support.
If you would like to attend please email and you will be sent the link.
Parents/ Guardians
Making payments to the Bishopton Primary Parent Council just got easier.
We know what it feels like to be running around the night before the event looking for a few pounds to give to your child.
This is why we have created our own PayPal account.
You can now make payments for your child’s events using PayPal.
To pay via PayPal click send money and type in the email address
We will still be collecting money the old way too.
Please remember to give your child £1 on Friday or pay via PayPal to participate in the whole school non uniform day.
Donations will go towards funding upcoming Parent Council events.
Kind Regards
Parent Council
We want to know your views on how we involve you in your child’s school, learning and education.
It’s part of a national survey across Scotland to create a clear picture of how parents and carers are engaged with and involved in their child’s school.
The survey is online and open until Monday 28 February, 5pm. If you can’t complete the survey online, you can speak to us to get a paper copy or use of IT equipment to complete online.
Please follow the link below for more information about Unboxed: Creativity in the UK event happening in Paisley.
Pupils in P6 worked with STEMETTES and Poetry Scotland to produce materials for this event.
The BPPC are organising a non-uniform day fundraiser on Friday 25th February.
They are asking that pupils come dressed in non-uniform and donate £1 towards the BPPC funds.
As restrictions begin to ease the BPPC are planning to resume their events for pupils. All funds raised will go towards these events.
On behalf of the BPPC thank you for your support.
W.C 21st February is Health Week in our dining hall. During this week the dining hall will be promoting the uptake of fruit. There will also be some changes to the menu on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Tuesday Lunch
Veg Past Bake
Cheese or Turkey Sandwich
Tomato & Basil Soup
Tandoori Chicken Bites & Chips Salad
Fish, Chip & Peas
Apple Crumble & Custard
Alternatives will be available for those with dietary requirements.
From this date pupils in P1-5, who bring a packed lunch, will be able to request milk and a piece of fruit with their lunch.
Dear Parent/Carer,
Changes were made on the 1st February to the Coronavirus (COVID-19): Guidance on reducing the risks from COVID- 19 in schools and therefore we will be making some changes to the current mitigations that we have in place. These changes will take effect from Thursday 17th February (Pupil return date after February weekend).
The new guidance states that there is no longer a requirement for a staggered start and end to the day. As a result, we will now be opening the doors to the school at 8.55 a.m. to allow pupils enter the classroom and wash their hands for a 9.00 a.m. start. Doors will be closed at 9.00 a.m. Please note any pupil arriving after this time should enter through the main entrance.
All pupils, including P1 and their siblings, will finish at 3.15 p.m. As the guidance for adult social distancing and wearing face coverings has not yet changed, we ask all adults in the playground to continue to stay at least 1m from adults in other households and to wear a face covering unless exempt. We appreciate that this may be different from the wider guidance for society, but this is still the guidance for Education settings.
The rest of our school day will return to more normal timings. Morning break will be 10.30-10.45 a.m., lunch will be 12.15 -1.15 p.m. There will be no afternoon break and school will finish at 3.15 p.m.
Parents are still only permitted into school if necessary to discuss their child’s needs. General parent events are still not permitted at this stage.
As pupils no longer need to stay in class bubbles, we will be looking to restart after school clubs. Information on individual clubs will follow in due course.
School lets are restarting so other community groups may return to use the school premises outwith the school day.
Enhanced hygiene, including handwashing and enhanced cleaning, remains in place. Open windows and doors to increase ventilation are also still in place, so pupils should continue to wear layers.
Parents/carers should continue to notify the school of any positive test results. Those who test positive or who are identified as a high risk or low risk contact should continue to follow the appropriate self-isolation guidance which can be found at
As always this is subject to change. Mitigations can be reintroduced or removed at any time dependent on the prevalence of the virus in society.
Should you require any other information please call the school on 0300 300 0147
To access the scheme, young people need to apply for a new entitlement card.
5 to 10-year-olds will use a junior card which does not require a photograph and those aged 11 and over will use an updated Young Scot card – which is also a photo identity and proof of age card.
New cards can be applied for using the website below:
The usual process of delivering Young Scot cards to Primary 7s will take place in March and April 2022 and this year will include a consent process to allow access to the free travel scheme too.
The janitor has informed me that a tree has fallen and is overhanging the Ashy Path. Please take an alternative route if possible.
The janitor has reported this and hopefully it will be cleared for the end of the day.
Bishopton Parent Council have signed up to Amazon Smile to help their fundraising efforts. If you would like to help out please follow the instructions below. It does not cost you anything and 0.5% of your purchases goes towards supporting the school.
Good Luck Dargavel Primary / Friendship Concert
Everyone at Bishopton Primary would like to wish Mr Carlton, staff and pupils at Dargavel Primary School all the best as their new school opens today.
To celebrate our continued friendship, please take a look at our Friendship Concert. This was filmed in June 2021. We hope you enjoy it.
Dear Parent/Carer,
I hope you and your family had a good break over the festive period. We are looking forward to welcoming everyone back to school on Thursday 6th January. Current mitigations will still be in place. Doors will be open from 8.45a.m. to help prevent large crowds in and around the school playground. We kindly ask that you do not arrive before this time to avoid queues or crowds forming.
A reminder that all adults who enter the playground should, if possible, wear a face covering and maintain a 2m distance from all other adults. We ask that only 1 adult per family attends at drop off and collection to keep adult numbers to a minimum.
One change that will be taking place is the reintroduction of class bubbles when pupils are inside the building. This will mean that pupils will, as much as possible, remain with their own classmates during teaching time. There is no need for pupils to maintain these bubbles outdoors, therefore pupils will still be able to mix with others in the playground at break times.
In order to ensure pupils remain with their bubble in the dining area, staggered lunch breaks will continue. P1-4 will have their lunch from 12.00-12.45 and P5-7 will eat from 12.45-1.30. As always please inform the school office if your child is a home lunch.
Adult visitors, including parents, are only allowed into the building if essential to their child’s wellbeing. Adults are asked to take an LFD test before coming into the school building.
Contact tracing will remain the responsibility of public health but we ask that you continue to let us know of any positive test results. Warn and inform letters will be text out if we are notified of a positive case within your child’s class. If you receive such a text we would ask that your child takes a LFD test before returning to school the next day.
As always if you have any questions or concerns please contact the school directly. The school office will reopen at 8.30 a.m. on the 6th January.
Dear Parent/ Carer,
On behalf of all staff in Bishopton Primary I would like to thank you for all your support since we returned to school in August 2022. I think it is fair to say that it has not been the school year that any of us had predicted just a few months earlier.
For the last 5 months we have been accommodating both Bishopton Primary and Dargavel Primary in our building and apart from being a little ‘cosy’ this has worked really well. Pupils and staff in every department have worked closely together to make this a positive experience for all. Today is the last day that we will have our Dargavel friends in our building. Many of the pupils and staff have been with us for a number of years and we will be very sad to say goodbye to them at the end of the day. New staff and pupils joined the Dargavel team and it has been a pleasure to get to know them, we will miss them too. Everyone in Bishopton would like to wish Mr Carlton and his team all the best when their new building opens for business on the 6th January. We look forward to continuing our close relationship as Park Mains cluster colleagues.
As we started this school session we were optimistic that it would only be a few weeks before all restriction were lifted and we could quickly resume the full range of activities that we normally offer. Unfortunately COVID-19 had other plans and only last week we find ourselves with yet again another set of tighter guidance. We are grateful for the support and understanding of parents/ carers as we strive to deliver as many experiences in as safe a way possible for our pupils. We can only hope that as we enter the Spring term the situation starts to improve.
As it currently stands we will be returning in January still under restrictions. We will post more information in the coming days so please continue to read the blog throughout the holidays for any changes.
Finally we would like to wish you and your family a safe and restful festive period. We look forward to welcoming all of our pupils back to their classes on Thursday 6th January at 9.00a.m.
The map below shows the entrances for pupils on return in Jan 22.
Dear Parent/Carer,
As you will be aware, the staff and pupils of Dargavel Primary will move into their school at the start of the new term on the 6th January 2022.
At this time Bishopton Primary classes will move into their own classrooms. Please see the attachment for your child’s class for January. Class teachers will ensure pupils know where their class is before they stop next week. If you are in any way unsure of the door your child should use in January please speak to a member of staff in the playground and they will show you where to go.
At this time, all current mitigations remain in place and there will be no change to the start and end of the day procedures.
Pupils will finish on Monday 20th December and return on Thursday 6th January 2022.
We wish you all a very happy and safe festive period.
Dear Parent/Carer
Renfrewshire Council is partnering with Klas Care, Active Communities and The Tannahill Centre to deliver a new parenting programme called Empowering Parents, Empowering Communities (EPEC). EPEC is a peer led parenting programme and we are recruiting parents and carers from across Renfrewshire to train as Parent Group Leaders.
Parent Group Leaders will deliver the EPEC courses locally to small groups of parents of 2 to 11 years olds to help them:
Parent Group Leaders will receive comprehensive training and ongoing supervision and support.
The training will be delivered one day a week for 10 weeks from the end of January 2022 until April 2022.
We will arrange the training days to suit parents and carers who volunteer. We can also look at arranging the training at evenings or weekends for people who work during the week. We will also provide free childcare if it is needed.
Parents will then deliver the training to other parents in the local communities from April 2022.
If anyone would be interested in finding out more about becoming a Parent / group Leader or would like to apply, the attached leaflet and link provide more information.
Keep Safe Kids app is a new way for children and young people in Renfrewshire to:
Developed by 60+ pupils from six schools and @Iammescotland, the app is also packed with help and information for you as a parent or carer.
All reports made through the app are sent directly to the school and will be picked up in the normal way during school hours. Reports can be made anonymously and at any time of day. Information is not stored on the app meaning your data is secure.
Download the Keep Safe Kids app from iOs and Android.
If you have any questions regarding the app please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Please note that the flu immunisation for pupils of Bishopton Primary School will take place tomorrow (17th November).
Dargavel Primary pupils will receive their immunisation on the 8th December. For families with children in both schools, each child will be immunised on the day appropriate to their registered school.
Please see the attached gritting plan. Thankfully the weather has not yet turned frosty. However, when the colder weather arrives the Senior Facilities Officer (SFO) will grit a 1m wide path as illustrated on the plan (black and pink paths).
Please stick to the gritted path to minimise the risk of slips and falls.
Over the last couple of weeks we have seen a significant increase in the number of adults in the playground at the start and end of the school day.
With COVID still circulating in the community it is important that we all continue to follow the appropriate guidance to keep everyone safe. The COVID mitigations for schools have remained unchanged and we ask that you continue to follow the guidance below.
Where a positive case is identified within the school the following applies. Only those who are in the same physical class as a positive case, and therefore a ‘low risk’ contact will receive a warning letter via a text message. Another letter will be sent if there are any additional cases in the same class after a 5 day period.
If you receive such a letter, the recommendation is that your child takes a lateral flow test if possible before returning to school.
By continuing to follow the guidance, it is hoped, we will be able to minimise the risks for everyone within our school community.
Thank you for your support in this matter. We will inform you as soon as there are any changes to the current approach.
Angelinis Pizzeria are once again running their Christmas appeal. Please click on the link and nominate Bishopton Primary so that we can help local families with Christmas this year.
Please share with family and friends to boost our nominations.