All posts by Miss Grant

Websites for Bar/Bat Mitzvah

As you know, we will be completing a research project on Bar/Bat Mitzvah using Book Creator to create an information booklet.

Here are some websites you may find useful in your research:



Tam O’Shanter

This week we had a look at the famous Robert Burns poem, Tam O’Shanter! We listened to the poem as well as watching a modern take on YouTube, which we found to be quite funny! We then completed different tasks in groups in order to explore the poem further. These tasks included: writing a sequel to the poem, doing a character study on Tam O’Shanter, creating a map showing Tam’s journey around Ayr, identifying important imagery within the poem, translating some Scottish words and creating a storyboard to illustrate the poem. Pupils extremely enjoyed learning about the story of Tam O’Shanter and were very successful with their tasks! We hope you enjoy the pictures of our finished Tam O’Shanter display!


Substance Misuse Research Task

I understand the effect that a range of substances including tobacco and alcohol can have on the body. HWB 2-38a

I know that popular culture, the media and peer groups as well as my own attitudes and values can influence how I feel about substance use and recognise the impact this may have on my actions. HWB 2-39a

I know that alcohol and drugs can affect people’s ability to make decisions. HWB 2-40a

I can identify the different kinds of risks associated with the use and misuse of a range of substances. HWB 2-41a

I know of actions I can take to help someone in an emergency. HWB 2-42a

I understand the impact that misuse of substances can have on individuals, their families and friends. HWB 2-43a

I can:

  • State some of the effects that substances have on the body
  • Create a list of influences
  • State their feelings
  • Identify some possible outcomes of specific actions resulting from outside influences
  • Outline how drugs and alcohol can affect my ability to make decisions
  • List different kinds of risks associated with the use and misuse of substances
  • Explain and emergency situations to an operator
  • Relate first aid skills to given situations
  • Further develop first aid skills e.g dealing with burns
  • Explain how people/ services can help in an emergency

Using the website links listed below, your task is to design and create an A3 poster using Publisher to inform your classmates of the dangers of substance misuse. You must include:

  • The effects and health risks related to tobacco and alcohol misuse
  • The impact of external influences/pressures and how these can affect personal decisions, actions and outcomes
  • The impact and risks of misusing drugs and alcohol and how it can affect your ability to make good decisions
  • The negative social side effects of substance misuse on individuals, their families and friends
  • How to deal with emergencies using the operator, emergency services and first aid

You will have 4 weeks to plan and prepare your presentation and will present to the rest of the class on the 5th week.


Scottish Culture Month

Hi There

It is Scottish Culture month in January within the school!  As part of this each child is asked to select and learn a Burns poem which they will then recite to the class.

From this, a child from each class will be selected to represent their class at our Burns assembly.

When learning the poem pupils have to focus on –

  • Good, clear diction
  • Pace
  • A good understanding of the poem
  • Correct pronunciation of Scottish words
  • Good facial and vocal expressions conveying the sentiment of the poem
  • Variation in pace and tone

As a class we picked four to focus on, however feel free to choose your own if you want! The four we picked were:

A Red, Red Rose

My Heart is in the Highlands

Scots Wae Hae

Up in the Morning Early

Have fun learning your poems and we look forward to hearing them!

Miss Grant

Our bird’s eye view of Earth

During our visit to the science centre, we learned about the Cupola, a special viewing station in the International Space Station that can show magnificent views of Earth. We used shading and tinting with black and white paint to create the different colours that can be seen from the Cupola and created our own bird’s eye view of Earth. Our paintings turned out fantastic!

Visit to Glasgow Science Centre 8/12/16

We really enjoyed our visit to the science centre on Thursday! We were able to look around the centre and take part in the many scientific experiments going on! We also visited the planetarium and were shown the night sky and different planets by a real astronomer! We felt as if we were in space! We also watched a film in the imax theatre called ‘A Beautiful Planet’ which showed us around the International Space station and told us about the effects of climate change on Earth which can be seen from space! It was a perfect end to our space topic!

Lunar Colonies

As we are coming to the end of our science topic of Space, we imagined what it would be like if we had to leave our home planet of Earth. We pretended to be on a mission to the moon to live and had to make lots of hard decisions in the meantime. We created our own lunar colonies which detailed a food source, water source, lodgings, heating and ways to deal with the the little amount of gravity on the moon. We quickly realised that solar power would be the best way to power most things and also talked about greenhouses to grow food. We found it interesting to imagine how our lives would transfer to a habitat like the moon. Here are some pictures of our lunar colonies!

Bridge Modelling

At the end of last week we completed our technology project of using junk to build a bridge. We related this to the famous Victorian Isambard Kingdom Brunel who was the man who created the first bridge. We learned about different types of bridges and structures which made them strong. We used junk to model them to hold a 1kg weight. We all worked extremely hard and enjoyed testing our bridges! We now have some kind of idea of the hard work and design that goes with building a bridge!

Just Dance

P6G decided to turn the classroom into a dance studio today and play some just dance games on the promethean board! Clearly they have been practising as they were all amazing! They really enjoyed it and it was a great way to exercise! Here are some pictures!

Christmas Fair Goodies

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On Friday, we completed a task given to us by the parent council. They set us an ‘apprentice’ style task to make products to sell at the Christmas fair whilst working out cost of materials, selling price, margin and marketing strategies. We really enjoyed the afternoon and hope people like our creations should they buy one! We hope you like the pictures of our creative process!



Walk to School Winners 23/11/16

The winning classes for this week were:

Infant – P2/1

Middle – P5H

Upper – P6P

Well done to those classes! You have earned 5 extra minutes playtime!

Also, we have chosen the winners for the Walk to School Poster competition!

The winners were from P2H, P5S and P7M! Well done to these pupils! Your posters will be displayed in your department. All entries were amazing and will be displayed on the walk to school wall in the P6 corridor.

From your Travel Champions

Travel Champions – Walk to School

Hello from your travel champions!

Our first walk to school challenge begins this week! Every two weeks we will try to encourage pupils to walk to school by asking them to wear something silly or funny! This will be every second Wednesday and on that morning we will come round the classes and count how many people are wearing the chosen item for that week. The winning class will get an extra five minutes playtime!

The first walk to school is this Wednesday! (9th November)

This week the walk to school item is: a Halloween item (fangs, jewellery etc). We thought we would keep the spirit of Halloween going!

Furthermore, we have decided to run a poster competition for the whole school, which will be split into infant, middle and upper. Each pupil will create an A4 poster (on white paper) to promote walking to school. As a class you will pick the two best ones that will be submitted to us for judging. There will be one winner from each of the three areas of  the school and the winning poster will be displayed on the wall for everyone to see. Posters can also be completed at home. The class that the winner comes from will also get five minutes extra playtime!

The competition closes on Wednesday 16th November.

Remember to wrap up warm and keep safe when walking to school!

The Travel Champions

Times Table Songs

Hi Primary 6!

I have found a great YouTube channel for learning times tables! It could help us with some of the tricker, higher ones!

The channel is called Mr DeMaio and he is a fellow teacher from America who has created songs to help us learn our times tables!

Check him out!

Miss Grant

Masterclass 21/9/16 – Marble Runs

The science masterclass had great fun last week creating our own marble runs! We learned how the energy of the marble was determined by how we created the marble run, for example, creating them on a slight slope allowed the marble to have power behind it and therefore roll quicker. All marble runs had marbles running through them in less than five seconds! We really enjoyed making them and hope you enjoy our pictures!

Science Experiments Masterclass

We all had great fun at Masterclass on Wednesday! We were given the task of making Balloon Rockets! We tied string to two different points after threading the string through a straw. We then blew up a balloon which was sellotaped to the straw. When it was time to let the balloon go, we had great fun seeing how far it went! We realised that by changing the variables (length of string, size of balloon, amount of balloons) we could change the power of the rocket! Some of us created a rocket that flew across the whole classroom!

So how does it work? It’s all about the air…and thrust. As the air rushes out of the balloon, it creates a forward motion called THRUST. Thrust is a pushing force created by energy. In the balloon experiment, our thrust comes from the energy of the balloon forcing the air out. Different sizes and shapes of balloon will create more or less thrust. In a real rocket, thrust is created by the force of burning rocket fuel as it blasts from the rockets engine – as the engines blast down, the rocket goes up!

Hope you like our pictures!

School Travel Champions

Your new school travel champions have been appointed from P6G and P6P! They are: Tayla, Cameron, John and Emma. We have conducted surveys in each class to determine how many of us walk or cycle to school. Coming up we will be having a poster competition to encourage walking/cycling to school (details to follow) and each month we will be conducting a walk to school event. We have some fun ideas to encourage everyone to walk to school and each month the best class will get an extra five minutes of playtime! We will keep you updated! img_1448