All posts by Miss Altman

P4a Homework W/B 20.3.17

Hello everyone, Hope you had a lovely weekend. Here is this weeks homework📒.  Please remember to wear Red on Friday for Red Nose Day and to bring small change (10p-50p) for activities throughout the week if you wish to take part.

Reading 📚 – New book to be read at home for next Monday. Book Detectives reading pages have been issued in class and are to be read for Wednesday.

Spelling  📝

Blue – twice, palace, office, voice, cereal, medicine, incident, bounce, small and couldn’t.

Red –twice, cancel, office, palace, voice, silence, tree and magic. (cereal and medicine if you would like a challenge)

Green – flute, prune, cure, pure, huge, rude, asked and saw.

Remember to rewrite the words using Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check. Choose 3 words to write a sentence for or challenge yourself and use the VCOP helper to write a short story, underlining or using a different colour for your spelling words. Try to include ambitious vocabulary and connectives in these. Then choose a Spell Well activity to help consolidate your words.

Maths📚 – We are continuing are focus on Money – working out change using the written method and showing the coins used. We will also be focusing on our times tables, the Jelly Tots and Haribos will be focusing on the 6,7,8 and 9 times tables and the Chewits will be revising their 2,3,4,5 and 10 times tables.

Money games –

Times Tables –

Eco Week Homework W/B 20.3.17

As part of Eco week all classes will be issued with an eco homework grid for children, this grid will be posted online to make it more eco friendly. The grid is posted below and pupils will be rewarded eco points for completing the homework tasks. Some teachers may also be issuing spelling homework and reading as normal.

Eco Homework Grid


Draw a diagram of your house (inside or out) labelling the materials used to make things.

In your house, find:

5 things made from wood

5 things made from glass

5 things made from metal

Draw a small picture of each.


Find something in your house which is eco friendly.

Draw and explain what it is used for in your house.


Make a poster explaining how we can be more eco-friendly.




Write a poem about the eco code

Reduce, reuse and recycle.


Try to make a journey which you normally would by car using an eco-friendly mode of transport.

P4a Homework – 13.3.17

Hello everyone, Hope you had a lovely weekend. Here is this weeks homework📒.  We will also be walking to the library on Friday morning, please remember your library books.

Reading 📚 – New book to be read at home for next Monday. Book Detectives reading pages have been issued in class and are to be read for Wednesday.

Spelling  📝

Blue – tanker, anger, sunken, anchor, extinct, stinking, blanket, angler, night and narrator.

Red –anger, stink, tanker, junk, trunk, sunken, I’ll and round. (anchor and extinct if you would like a challenge)

Green – hare, care, share, scare, spare, dare, here and off.

Remember to rewrite the words using Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check. Choose 3 words to write a sentence for or challenge yourself and use the VCOP helper to write a short story, underlining or using a different colour for your spelling words. Try to include ambitious vocabulary and connectives in these. Then choose a Spell Well activity to help consolidate your words.

Maths📚 – We are continuing are focus on Money – working out change using the written method and showing the coins used. We will also be focusing on our times tables, the Jelly Tots and Haribos will be focusing on the 6,7,8 and 9 times tables and the Chewits will be revising their 2,3,4,5 and 10 times tables.

Money games –

Times Tables –

P4a Homework 6.3.17

Hello everyone, Hope you had a lovely weekend. Here is this weeks homework📒. 

Reading 📚 – New book to be read at home for next Monday. Book Detectives reading pages have been issued in class and are to be read for Wednesday.

Spelling  📝

Blue – scheme, stampede, complete, Chinese, centipede, delete, athlete, gene,  live and say.

Red –gene, these, delete, complete, concrete, Chinese, find and more. (scheme and stampede if you would like a challenge)

Green – scent, scene, muscle, scissors, crescent, science, help and called.

Remember to rewrite the words using Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check. Choose 3 words to write a sentence for or challenge yourself and use the VCOP helper to write a short story, underlining or using a different colour for your spelling words. Try to include ambitious vocabulary and connectives in these. Then choose a Spell Well activity to help consolidate your words.

Maths📚 – We are continuing are focus on Money – working out change using the written method and showing the coins used. For homework, please continue to practice your times tables using your checker or online game. Jellytots and Haribos should focus on all tables, Chewits should focus on the 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times table.

Money games –

Times Tables –

P4a Homework 27.2.17

Hello everyone, Hope you had a lovely weekend. Here is this weeks homework📒.  Please remember it is World Book Day on Thursday, please dress up as a book character or in your pyjamas or onesie. Don’t forget to bring your favourite book to read too!

Reading 📚 – New book to be read at home for next Monday. Book Detectives reading pages have been issued in class and are to be read for Wednesday.

Spelling  📝

Blue – statue, threw, venue, pollute, newt, absolute, attitude, fewer, something and found.

Red –statue, threw, venue, volume, costume, fewer, though and well. (pollute and newt if you would like a challenge)

Green – ghost, honest, ghoul, rhyme, hour, rhubarb, if and help.

Remember to rewrite the words using Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check. Choose 3 words to write a sentence for or challenge yourself and use the VCOP helper to write a short story, underlining or using a different colour for your spelling words. Try to include ambitious vocabulary and connectives in these. Then choose a Spell Well activity to help consolidate your words.

Maths📚 – We are continuing are focus on Money – working out change by counting up. I will issue homework on Wednesday as pupils are still requiring help in this area and I would like to give more support in class first.

Money games –

P4a Homework 20.2.17

Hello everyone, Hope you had a lovely weekend. Here is this weeks homework📒.

Reading 📚 – New book to be read at home for next Monday. New Book Detectives books will be issued on Wednesday to read in class. Children are encouraged to read their library books as we will hopefully be going to return them next Friday.

Spelling  📝

Blue – float, owner, explode, moaning, slowest, approach, rainbow, envelope, first and mouse.

Red –float, elbow, owner, follow, explode, approach, play and take. (moaning and slowest if you would like a challenge)

Green – baby, lady, holly, fairy, happy, family, time and I’m.

Remember to rewrite the words using Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check. Choose 3 words to write a sentence for or challenge yourself and use the VCOP helper to write a short story, underlining or using a different colour for your spelling words. Try to include ambitious vocabulary and connectives in these. Then choose a Spell Well activity to help consolidate your words.

Maths📚 – We are continuing are focus on Money – adding amounts and working out change. For homework this week children are encouraged to play some of the money games below and also practise their times tables using their times table checker.

Money games –

P4a 15.2.16

Good Morning, Hope you all had a lovely long weekend. There will be no homework this week as it is a short week and we have collected in the Big Cat books to swap for next week. Please use this time to complete your library books as we will hopefully be going back next week.

Remember to keep practicing your times tables and looking at money in real life situations.

P4a Homework 6.2.17

Hello everyone, Hope you had a lovely weekend. Here is this weeks homework📒. Please remember this Friday is an In-service day and next Monday and Tuesday are holidays.

Reading 📚 – New book to be read at home for next Wednesday. They will read in class with their reading partner everyday and I will also hear groups of children reading parts of their books. Within class we will be using novels to complete our  book detectives work and also some comprehension questions, our novels will be kept in class as our library books.

Spelling  📝

Blue – high, tried, alright, firework, describe, lightning, spying, delight, never and next.

Red –tied, dryer, alright, alive, delight, spying, two and has. (high and tried if you would like a challenge)

Green – honey, money, donkey, turkey, valley, key, day and made.

Remember to rewrite the words using Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check. Choose 3 words to write a sentence for or challenge yourself and use the VCOP helper to write a short story, underlining or using a different colour for your spelling words. Try to include ambitious vocabulary and connectives in these. Then choose a Spell Well activity to help consolidate your words.

Maths📚 – In maths this week we will be looking at Money. For homework this week you are encouraged to look at money and prices in shops. Try to think of the coins which you would use to pay for the item and the change which you would receive.

Money games –

Talk Homework P4a & P4m

We have been working hard in Literacy and learning about writing notes and using them to help us write newspaper articles. As talk homework for Tuesday 7th February could you look for a topical news item and take notes using the questions who, what, where, when, how and why? You will use your notes on Tuesday morning to write a newspaper article in class.

Homework 30.1.17 P4a

Hello everyone, Hope you had a lovely weekend. Here is this weeks homework📒.

Reading 📚 – New book to be read at home for next Monday. They will read in class with their reading partner everyday and I will also hear groups of children reading parts of their books. Within class we will be using novels to complete our  book detectives work and also some comprehension questions, our novels will be kept in class as our library books.

Spelling  📝

Blue – teacher, theme, coffee, beanstalk, seaweed, evening, underneath, compete, began and animals.

Red – beach, thirteen, reach, evening, teacher, seaweed, everyone and our. (theme and coffee if you would like a challenge)

Green – pork, North, storm, corn, sport, short, too and by.

Remember to rewrite the words using Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check. Choose 3 words to write a sentence for or challenge yourself and use the VCOP helper to write a short story, underlining or using a different colour for your spelling words. Try to include ambitious vocabulary and connectives in these. Then choose a Spell Well activity to help consolidate your words.

Maths📚 – In maths this week we will be looking at data analysis using pictograms and block graphs. There will be no homework for this topic but please make sure you practice your times tables and I will get your times table helper laminated and back to you to help.

Times table games –                                                                                                             

P4a Homework 23.1.17

Hello everyone, Hope you had a lovely weekend. Here is this weeks homework📒.

Reading 📚 – New book to be read at home for next Monday. They will read in class with their reading partner everyday and I will also hear groups of children reading parts of their books. Within class we will be using novels to complete our  book detectives work and also some comprehension questions, our novels will be kept in class as our library books.

Spelling  📝

Blue – mainly, spray, crayon, layer, pancake, yesterday, animate, decade, sea and these.

Red – crayon, mail, escape, spray, layer, waiting, wanted and eat. (mainly and pancake if you would like a challenge)

Green – loud, cloud, found, sound, round, pound, house and old.

Remember to rewrite the words using Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check. Choose 3 words to write a sentence for or challenge yourself and use the VCOP helper to write a short story, underlining or using a different colour for your spelling words. Try to include ambitious vocabulary and connectives in these. Then choose a Spell Well activity to help consolidate your words.

Maths📚 – In maths this week we will be continuing 2D and 3D shapes and looking at right angles. For homework each child has a times table chart to complete at home. Once completed they have been asked to decorate it and I will laminate these for each child to keep as a helper.

Times table games –                                                                                                             

P4a Homework 16.1.17

Hello everyone, Hope you had a lovely weekend. Here is this weeks homework📒.

Reading 📚 – New reading books have been issued this week. Each child has their own book (non-fiction and fiction) and they have been asked to read the book for next Monday at home. They will read in class with their reading partner everyday and I will also here groups of children reading parts of their books. Within class we will be using novels to complete our  book detectives work and also some comprehension questions, our novels will be kept in class as our library books.

Spelling  📝

Blue – mimic, laptop, magpie, quench, jumped, thunderstorm, swimming, rescue, must and right.

Red – mimic, laptop, magpie, jumped, rescue, disagree, new and after. (swimming and quench if you would like a challenge)

Green – join, spoil, point, noise, coin, voice, put and could.

Remember to rewrite the words using Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check. Choose 3 words to write a sentence for or challenge yourself and use the VCOP helper to write a short story, underlining or using a different colour for your spelling words. Try to include ambitious vocabulary and connectives in these. Then choose a Spell Well activity to help consolidate your words.

Maths📚 – In maths this week we will be focusing on subtraction and will be introducing compensation. The Jellytots have HTU homework with exchange, Haribos and Chewits have TU with exchange. Haribos – If you feel you would like to try the HTU work and have completed the TU worksheet, let me know in class and I will provide the worksheet. Please continue to focus on your times tables so that we know these by heart. Jellytots – 4 and 8 times table. Haribo – 4 and 8 times table. Chewits – 3 and 4 times table.

Times table games –                                                                                                             

P4a Homework 9.1.17

Hello everyone, Hope you had a lovely Christmas and New Year and you are ready to start working hard in term3! Here is this weeks homework📒.

Reading 📚 – There will be no reading homework issued this week, pupils are encouraged to read their class novels at home and in class. If they are reading a book at home they are more than welcome to bring it in as well.

Spelling  📝

Blue – scribble, wobble, middle, bottle, marble, bubble, table, little, through and way.

Red – apple, table, little, middle, bottle, able, long and things. (scribble and wobble if they want an extra challenge)

Green – over, winter, baker, runner, teacher, anger, their and your.

Remember to rewrite the words using Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check. Choose 3 words to write a sentence for or challenge yourself and use the VCOP helper to write a short story, underlining or using a different colour for your spelling words. Try to include ambitious vocabulary and connectives in these. Then choose a Spell Well activity to help consolidate your words.

Maths📚 – In maths this week we will be focusing on subtraction and will be introducing compensation. There will be no homework this week while we focus on the concept in class. Please remember to keep practice your times tables (2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9) I will provide games below to help.

Times table games –                                                                                                             

Homework 12.12.16 P4a

Hello everyone, Hope you had a lovely weekend here is this weeks homework📒. As its the last full week, we will be revising spelling in class and at home.

Reading 📚

Twirls – Try to complete your reading books for Friday.

Crunchies – P20-25 for Wednesday and P26-end Friday. (Reading will be heard in class on these days)

Buttons – P17-21 Tuesday,  P22-26  for Wednesday and P27-end for Friday. (Reading will be heard in class on these days)

Spelling  📝- Each child has chosen 8-10 spelling words from previous weeks to revise.

Remember to rewrite the words using Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check. Choose 3 words to write a sentence for or challenge yourself and use the VCOP helper to write a short story, underlining or using a different colour for your spelling words. Try to include ambitious vocabulary and connectives in these. Then choose a Spell Well activity to help consolidate your words.

Maths📚 – In maths this week we will continue to look at numbers to and beyond 1000. We will also look at 2D and 3D shape. I have added some games below.

Place Value Games                                                                                            2D and 3D shapes games

Please remember Friday is Christmas jumper day 🎅🎄

P4a Homework 5.12.16

Hello everyone, Hope you had a lovely weekend! Here is this weeks homework.


Twirls – Will be issued to each group on Tuesday.

Crunchies – P1-10 for Wednesday and P11-19 Friday. (Reading will be heard in class on these days)

Buttons – P1-6 Tuesday,  P7-12  for Wednesday and P13-16 for Friday. (Reading will be heard in class on these days)


Blue group ‘ore’

before, explore, seashore, galore, therefore, carnivore, magic and shouted.

Red group ‘ore’

more, store, core, snore, before, score, know and again .

Green group ‘k’

hook, fork, clock, back, brick, sick, about and people.

Remember to rewrite the words using Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check. Choose 3 words to write a sentence for or challenge yourself and use the VCOP helper to write a short story, underlining or using a different colour for your spelling words. Try to include ambitious vocabulary and connectives in these. Then choose a Spell Well activity to help consolidate your words.


P4a Homework 28.11.16

Hello everyone,  here is your homework for this week. Please remember Wednesday this week is a holiday 🙂 and Friday is house art day, please wear old clothes!


Twirls – Will be issued to each group on Tuesday.

Crunchies – P20-end for Thursday. (Reading will be heard in class on these days)

Buttons – P17-23 Tuesday,  P24-end  for Friday. (Reading will be heard in class on these days)


Blue group ‘ie’

relief, chief, shield, mischief, achieve, believe, thought and round.

Red group ‘ie’

field, piece, chief, thief, shield, belief, home and didn’t .

Green group ‘ue’

due, argue, rescue, sue, statue, issue, now and came.

Remember to rewrite the words using Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check. Choose 3 words to write a sentence for or challenge yourself and use the VCOP helper to write a short story, underlining or using a different colour for your spelling words. Try to include ambitious vocabulary and connectives in these. Then choose a Spell Well activity to help consolidate your words.

This week in maths we will continue with calendar work, I have a game below to help, try to challenge yourselves! – Calendar Games

P4a Homework 21.11.16

Hello everyone,  here is your homework for this week – please remember to keep practising your 2,3,4,5 and 10 times tables so that you remember them.


Twirls – Will be issued to each group on Tuesday.

Crunchies – P1-10 for Wednesday and P11-19 Friday. (Reading will be heard in class on these days)

Buttons – P1-4 Tuesday,  P5-10  for Wednesday and P11-16 for Friday. (Reading will be heard in class on these days)


Blue group ‘ture’

capture, creature, fracture, adventure, sculpture, puncture, everyone and our.

Red group ‘ture’

texture, capture, picture, future, nature, mixture, school and think .

Green group ‘oa’

toast, foal, coal, goal, soap, coach, get and just.

Remember to rewrite the words using Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check. Choose 3 words to write a sentence for or challenge yourself and use the VCOP helper to write a short story, underlining or using a different colour for your spelling words. Try to include ambitious vocabulary and connectives in these. Then choose a Spell Well activity to help consolidate your words.

This week in maths we will be looking at estimation and moving on to calendar work, I have added some games below. – Estimation Games – Calendar Games

P4a Homework 14.11.16

Hello everyone,  here is your homework for this week – please remember to keep practising your 2,3,4,5 and 10 times tables so that you remember them.


Twirls – Will be issued to each group on Tuesday.

Crunchies – P13-19 for Wednesday and P20-end Friday. (Reading will be heard in class on these days)

Buttons – P16-21 Tuesday,  P21-26  for Wednesday and P26-end for Friday. (Reading will be heard in class on these days)


Blue group ‘o’

somebody, comforting, wonderful, brother, Monday, dozen, wanted and eat.

Red group ‘o’

gloves, son, front, monkey, woman, month, where and would.

Green group ‘ee’

tie, cries, pie, fried, spies, lie, from and children.

Remember to rewrite the words using Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check. Choose 3 words to write a sentence for or challenge yourself and use the VCOP helper to write a short story, underlining or using a different colour for your spelling words. Try to include ambitious vocabulary and connectives in these. Then choose a Spell Well activity to help consolidate your words.

This week in maths we will be looking at rounding to the nearest 10 and 100 and revising our times tables. There is a link below to some rounding games to help and remember your maths homework should be handed in on Friday, please ask if you are unsure.


P4 trip to Dynamic Earth

We had a great day yesterday at Dynamic Earth 🌏. Unfortunately we missed our polar regions workshop however we still got to see lots of interesting things relating to the Arctic . We learnt about the tundra in the Arctic and enjoyed being passengers on a flight ✈️around the world during a 4D cinema experience. We also found out lots of information about the polar regions and got to touch an iceberg! ❄️ To top off our day we visited the 360degree show dome to watch a short film called We Are Stars ⭐️  where we learnt about what we are made of and where it all came from. We certainly had a busy day 😀 Sorry we were late home!

P4a Homework 7.11.16

Hello everyone,  here is your homework for this week – please remember to keep practising your 2,3,4,5 and 10 times tables so that you remember them.

Talk Homework – We will be writing letters on Tuesday 8th November in class. Think about a friendly letter or ask someone if they have one that you can see. If you where writing a letter to a friend, who would you write to? what would you write? would you ask any questions?


Twirls – Will be issued to each group on Tuesday.

Crunchies – P1-6 for Wednesday and P7-12 Friday. (Reading will be heard in class on these days)

Buttons – P1-5 Tuesday,  P6-10  for Wednesday and P11-15 for Friday. (Reading will be heard in class on these days)


Blue group ‘ei’

sleigh, neigh, weight, eighteen, reindeer , neighbour, new and after.

Red group ‘ei’

vein, veil, eight, weigh, eighty, sleigh, how and going.

Green group ‘ee’

see, bee, feet, sweet, seem, three, into and back.

Remember to rewrite the words using Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check. Choose 3 words to write a sentence for. Try to include ambitious vocabulary and connectives in these. Then choose a Spell Well activity to help consolidate your words.

This week in maths we will be looking at rounding to the nearest 10 and 100 and revising our times tables.

This website has a selection of times tables games for you to choose from –

31.10.16 P4a Homework

Hello everyone,  here is your homework for this week – please remember to keep practising your 2,3,4,5 and 10 times tables so that you remember them.


Twirls – up to P13 for  Thursday. (Reading will be heard in class on these days)

Crunchies – P21-end for Wednesday and Friday. (Reading will be heard in class on these days)

Buttons – P23-27 Tuesday,  P27-32  for Wednesday and P27-32 for Friday. (Reading will be heard in class on these days)


Blue group ‘sion’

occasion, division, revision, television, explosion, invasion, again and things.

Red group ‘sion’

vision, tension, pension, revision, television, explosion, over and want.

Green group ‘ai’

main, paid, snail, chain, pain, sail, will and come.

Remember to rewrite the words using Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check. Choose 3 words to write a sentence for. Try to include ambitious vocabulary and connectives in these. Then choose a Spell Well activity to help consolidate your words.

This week in maths we will be looking at area and cm2, revising time, HTU and our times tables.

This website has a selection of times tables games for you to choose from –