All posts by Mrs McAvoy

P2/1 Key Information

Hi everyone

I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

As part of National Book Week, we have all been introduced to the website ‘Teach Your Monster to Read.’ We have created a monster online and these will be sent home tomorrow for you to keep. All children have been issued with usernames and passwords which they will be using in school. You may also use these usernames and passwords to play at home.

Pupil profiles will be emailed out this week on Friday. These will give you the opportunity to see some of the work that we have been doing in P2/1 so far.

As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Miss Cruickshank

P2 Homework w/b 14.11.16

Hi P2

I hope you all had a fab weekend!

Thank you to everyone who took time to draw and/or write about your favourite toys.  If you have still not returned your sheet, please do by Tuesday at the latest as we are going to be sharing them with the class and putting them on display for all to see.

Here is your homework for this week:

Spelling – ff

Wordwall – Please continue to practise all dotted words every night if possible.

Reading – New books will be handed out on Tuesday.

Maths – Months of the Year worksheet

Here are some games that you may also wish to play related to Months of the Year:

Toys Talk – Please continue to prepare for your favourite toy personal talk which is due in a couple of weeks.

As always, any problems, please ask!

Miss Cruickshank

P1 Homework w/b 14.11.16

Hi everyone

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend.

Here is your homework for this week:

New Sounds – u & l

We are learning our sounds really well! Please remember to also use the sound cards to make simple words for the children to read and ask them to identify sounds that they hear within words.

2 Books


Thank you to everyone who took time to draw and/or write about your favourite toys.  If you have still not returned your sheet, please do by Tuesday at the latest as we are going to be sharing them with the class and putting them on display for all to see.


P1 will be working with the rest of P1 all day on Friday 18th November to celebrate the children getting their free Bookbug bags. As part of this, all children will be visiting the with their P7 buddies at some point during the day. If you are free and willing to help during this visit, please put a note in your child’s diary.

Please also bring a favourite teddy to school on this day.

As always, if you have any questions, please ask!

Miss Cruickshank

P2 Homework w/b 7.11.16

Hi P2

I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

Here is your homework for this week:

Reading– We are continuing to read non-fiction books this week and all new texts will be sent home on Tuesday! Please assist your child with any tricky words and talk about the different features of the text (e.g. photographs, captions, subtitles, contents etc.)

Spelling – Short vowel sounds. Please complete as normal and remember to use the active spelling activity sheet to consolidate learning if you wish.

Wordwalls – Continue to focus on dotted words.

Maths – Complete worksheet and learn number stories of 15.

Number Stories of 15

15+0=15          0+15=15

14+1=15         1+14=15

13+2=15          2+13=15

12+3=15          3+12=15

11+4=15         4+11=15

10+5=15          5+10=15

9+6=15          6+9=15

8+7=15          7+8=15

Personal Talk– Everyone should have received a paper copy of this task last week. Although still not due in for another couple of weeks, please let me know if you need another copy of task or if you have any questions.

Toys Topic- Please complete on any day. Don’t worry if you don’t see Gran/Grandad until the weekend, this task can be completed then.

Key Information:

TRIP – P2 will be joining P3/2 and visiting Scotland Street School on Tuesday. We will be leaving school about 12 o’clock and will be back for home time. Please remember to send your child in with a packed lunch. I will organise school lunches for the children who have chosen this option.

LIBRARY TRIP – We will be visiting the library again on Wednesday afternoon. Please ensure that your old library books are in your bookbags on this today so we can return them.

As always, if there is anything I can help with please ask.

Miss Cruickshank

P1 Homework w/b 7.11.16

Hi everyone

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend.

Here is a list of the P1 homework this week:

New Sounds – g and o

Reading – 2 books (swap on Wednesday)

Maths – any night that suits you.

Toys Topic – Any night that suits you (if you only see Gran/Grandad at the weekend then it is fine to wait until then.)


We will be visiting the library again on Wednesday afternoon. Could you please ensure that your child’s library book is in their bookbag that day.)

As always, please let me know if there is anything I can help with.

Miss Cruickshank

P1 Homework w/b 31.10.16


I hope you have all had a lovely weekend and have enjoyed all of the kids Halloween parties that I was hearing about in class.

Here is some key information for the week ahead:


We will be having a small Halloween party on Monday afternoon. Could all children please come to school wearing their school uniform and bring their costume in a bag to change into after lunch. If your child prefers not to wear a costume they can just wear party clothes. All children will go home wearing their costumes unless you let me know otherwise.


All P1 pupils will be joining P1F and visiting Scotland Street School on Tuesday. Mrs Ferguson will be in charge of the children for this trip. Children will be leaving school about 12 o’clock and will be back for home time. Please remember to send your child in with a packed lunch. I will organise school lunches the children who have chosen this option. If you have not already sent in your permission slip for this trip, please send in no later than tomorrow!


We will be visiting the library again shortly to return our books and choose new ones. Once the date is finalised, I will let you know.


Please note that our Read and Munch day will continue to be on a Thursday. Please send any text into school for children to read for enjoyment and a healthy snack (fruit or vegetable) that they can eat whilst reading on this day.


Here is the P1 homework for this week:

Reading – 2 books that will be swapped on Wednesday.

No new sounds – Please revise all sounds to date. Continue to create words using these sounds and encourage children to blend the sounds together to read the words.

Wordwall – Please practise the dotted words every night. If your child can say the word fluently, without hesitating or having to sound it out, then it can get a tick. After 3 ticks, you no longer have to focus on that word. I will only highlight the words in green when I can see that your child is fully confident in reading the word. Please also ensure that you are asking the words in a different order every time to stop children from just memorising them.

Maths Challenges – Please feel free to complete the relevant activity on any day of the week that suits you best.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or queries.

Miss Cruickshank


P2 Homework w/b 31.10.16

Hi P2

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed all of your Halloween parties that you were  telling me about.


Halloween Party

We will be having a small Halloween party on Monday afternoon. Could all children please come to school wearing their school uniform and bring their costume in a bag to change into after lunch. If your child prefers not to wear a costume they can just wear party clothes. All children will go home wearing their costumes unless you let me know otherwise.


We will be visiting the library again shortly to return our books and choose new ones. Once the date is finalised, I will let you know.


All P2 homework will now be issued on a Monday and will be due on the Friday. This is to allow more flexibility at home to tie in with extra curricular activities and family commitments.

Please note however that the day in which reading books are sent home may vary!

I will also be encouraging the children to begin to become more independent and take responsibility for organising the content of their book bags. This means that I will not be checking the book bags on a daily basis for notes or letters and instead will encourage all children to hand me anything that is meant for my attention. To help with this, please let your child know if there is anything in their book bags that they need to give to me.

Please also note that all homework will now be marked on a Friday!

Homework for this week:

Spelling : Common Words.

Instead of coming up with new words this week, try one of the active spelling activities from the sheet that I am sending home tomorrow. (Please note that this sheet contains some ideas to help support children when learning and practising their spelling words. Please use it throughout the year as you wish.)

I will also  be sending home a blank ‘spelling wall’ this week which children can use at home and in school to build up a bank of words that they need to practise.


Reading– We are continuing to read non-fiction books this week and all new texts will be sent home on Tuesday! Please assist your child with any tricky words and talk about the different features of the text (e.g. photographs, captions, subtitles, contents etc.)


Maths – Days of the Week cut and stick sheet.


Wordwalls – New wordwalls will be sent home on Tuesday. Please focus only on the words that are dotted. You may tick the dotted words when your child can read the word without having to sound it out. I will only highlight the word in green when I know that your child is fully confident in reading a word.


Read and Munch – Our Read and Munch Day this term will continue to be on a Thursday. Please allow children to bring a text of their choice into school to read for their enjoyment and also a healthy snack (fruit or vegetable) that they can eat whilst reading on this day.


Personal Talk –As part of our new Toys Topic, P2 pupils will be asked to give a small talk to the class about their favourite toys.  Letters with  more detail will be given out on Monday.


Trip –Our school trip to Scotland Street Museum is on the 8th of November.  If you haven’t returned the letter for permission please do so as soon as possible.  Thank you.


As always, please let me know if you have any questions or queries.


Miss Cruickshank

P2/1 Homework w/b 10.10.16

Hi everyone

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend.

Only a short week this week as we have in-service on Friday. We also have parent meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday.

P1 Homework

New sounds, ‘m’ and ‘d.’

There will be no reading homework due to the short week.

P2 Homework

Spelling – ar sound.

There will be no maths or reading homework due to the short week.


Looking forward to seeing you all at the parent meetings.

Miss Cruickshank


Elmer Day

Elmer Day has been a great success. We have all had a fantastic time and have been very busy. We have been colouring patterns, creating Elmer masks, decorating Elmer biscuits, playing Elmer games and even playing different instruments to keep the beat to different Elmer songs. In the afternoon, the P7 buddies joined us  and helped us to create milk bottle Elmers. They are looking fantastic! They will be coming home soon.












P2 homework w/b 3.10.16

Here is the P2 homework this week:

Spelling – qu

Reading – As normal. All books will be sent out on Tuesday this week.

Maths – Learning addition number stories of 13.

     Stories of 13

13+0=13    0+13=13

12+1=13    1+12=13

11+2=13    2+11= 13

10+3=13    3+10=13

9+4=13       4+9=13

8+5=13       5+8=13

7+6=13       6+7=13

Please also  regularly revise all previously taught number stories (1-13.)

As always, please let me know if you have any problems. 🙂

Miss Cruickshank

Week Beginning 3.10.16

Hi everyone

I hope you all had an awesome weekend.

P2/1 are going to be visiting the library on Tuesday 11th October and we are looking for parent helpers to accompany us. We will be leaving school at 9.15am and should return no later than 10.30am. If you are feel and willing to help us, please write a note in your child’s diary.

On Friday, we are going to be celebrating the end of our topic by having an Elmer Day. We will be taking part in a variety of Elmer related activities all day. This will be a non uniform day and we ask that all children come to school dressed in bright coloured clothes if possible.

Thank you for all of the empty milk bottles donated so far. We now have enough to meet our needs so we do not require any more donations.  Thank you!

Parent evening appointment letters will be sent home tomorrow ( Monday.) Please look out for these in book bags and return the tear off slips ASAP. Thanks.

I hope everyone has a lovely week ahead.

Miss Cruickshank




ECO Drama





On Friday, we had a fantastic time learning all about worms when we watched an eco drama show called ‘The Worm, An Underground Adventure.’ We learned all about the role of worms within the natural world. We learned that food waste can be reused and we also learned what composting is and how to do it.


P2 Homework w/b 26.9.16

Hi P2

I hope you all had lots of fun during the holiday weekend.

Here is your homework for this week:

Spelling (ng) Tuesday – Copy out words, Wednesday – write sentences, Thursday – practise for quiz.

Maths – Tens and Units worksheet. Keep working on learning the number stories of 11 and 12. Remember maths homework is due Friday.

Reading – All books will be sent home on Wednesday this week so you will only have reading homework on Wednesday and Thursday night.

Wordwall – Please remember to focus on the highlighted lines or words.

Please remember that we have a few lunchtime clubs on this week. If possible, it would be advisable for children to bring a packed lunch on days when they have a club.

As always, please let me know if you need help with anything.

Miss Cruickshank




P1 Homework w/b 26.9.16

Hi everyone

I hope you all had a lovely holiday weekend.

Here is the P1 homework this week:

new sounds – c, k, e

2 books with words – no extended storybook for them.

We will swap books on Thursday this week.

Please remember that we have a few lunchtime clubs on this week. If possible, it would be advisable for children to bring a packed lunch on days when they have a club.

As always, please let me know if you need help with anything.

Miss Cruickshank

Photograph Consent Forms

Just a reminder for any child who has yet returned their photograph consent form, to return it to school as soon as possible please. I have written in the diaries of all children concerned. I am unable to post any photographs on our blog until I have all permission forms back. Please note that this does not apply for returning P2 pupils. Thank you!

P1 Homework w/b 19.9.16

Hi P1

I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

There will be NO read and munch this week due to European Languages Day on Thursday. Please remember to send your child to school wearing house colours on this day that you don’t mind getting a bit messy. This could be as simple as a green pattern on an old t-shirt for the Hawks for example.

Hawks- Green                Falcons-Blue

Ospreys – Red                 Eagles – Yellow

Here is the P1 homework for this week:

-There are no new sounds or words this week.

-Please practise all sounds and words.

-Enjoy your book and extended story.

As always, please see me if you have any questions/queries.

Miss Cruickshank.