P5 Maths Homework, Group 1 – w/b 12.12.16

Please read each question carefully so you understand fully what is being asked of you and the type of operation which should be used.

Each answer should show all workings and include a sentence answer. This task should be completed and returned to school by Thursday.

Have a Go – Word Problems

  1. Killian goes to football training twice a week. If his fees are £6.45 per session, how much would he have to pay for 4 weeks of training?
  2. Fraser L likes playing maths games. he has played the same game 3 times. In each game he scored 135, 267 and 346. What was his total score?
  3. David also likes to play maths games. His highest score is 366. To reach the next level he must score 550. How much more must he score on his next try to move up?
  4. Sam P was feeling festive and brought in 8 packets of chocolate coins with 6 coins in each packet. He was feeling a bit peckish so he ate 6 coins. He then decided to share them among the groups in our class. Since we have 7 groups, how many chocolate coins would each group get.
  5. Challenge Question: Rachel buys 8 packets of sweets with 32 sweets in each packet. How many sweets does she have altogether? She decides to share them between herself, Ben, Eilidh and Andrew.  How many sweets does each of them get? Andrew then decides to buy 2 more packets of sweets and share them out, how many sweets does each child have now?


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