Hello everyone!
It’s almost time for one of the most festive celebrations in our school calendar – House Art Day!
This year, House Art Day will be on Monday 29th November and we need your help!
To highlight the importance of our climate and environment, pupils at Bishopton Primary will create seasonal displays entirely made of sustainable materials. We will base these on the Sustainable Development Goals (https://www.globalgoals.org/) and hope that we can continue to emphasise how we can make a massive difference to our planet by thinking global yet acting local!
Making these displays will be loads of fun, but to make them the best we can we really need the following things, so please – save them for us if you’ll be using them at home! You can either bring things in as and when, are collect things up and bring in a large batch whenever suits you.
*Cardboard boxes (cereal/muesli/porridge boxes are ideal)
*Unwanted Christmas tree decorations – plain baubles would be perfect, but we’ll take anything you have!
*Unwanted CDs/DVDs – we don’t even need the cases, just the disc would be fab
*Any unwanted scraps of material
*Any unwanted wool
Any donations should be handed in to your child’s class teacher.
Thank you so much for your support; we’re really looking forward to the day ahead! Please check back in later in the month for more information about the day.
Miss Cauley and BPS teaching staff