P5S – Mushroom Planting

Image result for mushrooms

As part of our Eco Week some of you had the opportunity to get your hands dirty when you planted some mushrooms this afternoon. The compost was rather smelly but that didn’t stop a few of you digging deep. We have put the container somewhere dark and we will check on it in a few days (6 to be precise) to see if anything has happened.

As discussed in class, one of you may take our mushrooms home to look after over the Easter break, if you wish, as we shouldn’t really leave them in class unattended. The chances are they won’t survive if we do! If you would like to do so, please bring a note in from someone at home giving you permission. Obviously if you are going away over the holidays, it wouldn’t be a very good idea for you to take them home.

If you didn’t get a chance to plant today, don’t worry as we have other activities planned for later in the week where you might just get your hands dirty too.

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