Today you presented your solo presentations to the class and what a wide range of topics were being discussed. We had sports, animals, birds of prey, bad guys from Star Wars, hobbies, places you had visited, trains, games, Youtube, and pets, to name a few. I certainly learned a lot today! I hope you all did too.
Your official feedback from me will follow shortly (once I have typed it up) but we had a quick chat as to what went well and areas we could improve on for next time. I was delighted to see just how many of you took on previous feedback about ensuring you made adequate eye contact with your audience. There was a huge improvement in this area – well done! As Mikey pointed out, we had a lot of clear speaking voices today and we were able to hear everything that was being said.
Next steps for some of you will be to try and read a little less from your notes or slides. A quick look at your notes before looking up is all that is needed. This will also help ensure you are making eye contact with your audience. Others will maybe need to try and aim to be within the allocated timescale. A little more information, or less, is sometimes all that is needed to help with this.
Here are photographs from this morning’s presentations along with the props that some of you brought in.