P4A – Perfect Silly Tubs (Build-a-Business)


This week you will have received your order form from the P4A Build-a-Business Perfect Silly Tubs. The class have been working very hard on this project over the last few weeks in various teams. We have the management team, market research, finances, production (who will be very busy next week!), quality control and marketing. Each group has some very specific jobs to do each week to make the business a success.

Below is an example of the order form. So the business does not get overwhelmed with orders, we are limiting each child to 1 of each kind of tub (you don’t have to buy both, or any if you don’t want to!).  If you are wanting to order one of the customised tubs with a special name on, please enter the name as you would like it on the tub on the form. This will help the production team meet your requirements.


We would be really grateful if you could send in the exact money with your completed order form as the finances team will only be adding up the orders and the money during our technologies time on a Friday. Once we have the orders in and we start production, we will send the tubs home a few orders at a time, so there may be a short delay between getting your order form in and receiving your order. We are sure you won’t mind waiting for your Perfect Silly Tub!

Thank you very much for supporting the business and I hope you enjoy talking to your child about all the things they have been doing so far during our Build-a-Business project.

Miss Burnett

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