P3/2 wk beg 16/01/16

I hope you all had a great weekend.  This week homework and news as follows:

P2 Homework

Spelling sound this week is ck as in duck and neck

Reading books will be fiction this week.  Please discuss the author and illustrator with your child.  On Friday we will be completing comprehension work looking at the author, illustrator, main characters and their favourite character.

Maths homework on Wednesday will be take away sums with 13. e.g 13-1 = 12.

Please continue to practise your chosen Scottish poem.

This week I will be discussing targets with your children.  This will be done on Monday and Tuesday.  The target booklets will be in the book bags.  Please ensure your child has this booklet with them each day.  Thank you.


P3 Homework

Spelling sound this week will be ph as in phone,  alphabet.

Reading books will be fiction this week.  Please discuss the author and illustrator with your child.  On Friday we will be completing comprehension work looking at the author, illustrator, main characters and their favourite character.

Maths homework this week – This week a maths grid will be stuck into the back of your child’s jotter.  This will detail Maths activities that your child can choose from.  1 activity can be chosen and completed each week.   These activities are related to topics covered in class.

Please continue to practise your chosen Scottish poem.

General news

This week a Sumdog login has been put in the homework diary.  This has maths games that your child can try.  As your child plays the games, the sumdog programme will adjust the level of the games to suit your child.

Have a great week

Mrs Fulton


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