P7M Robert Burns Team Task

This morning we completed the first part of our Robert Burns topic. We had to work together to display Robert Burns’ name on the classroom floor. The only resources we had were ourselves! The time limit was 20 minutes.

Learning Outcome

By investigating a Scottish historical theme, I can discover how past events or the actions of individuals or groups have shaped Scottish society.  SOC 2-03a

The higher order thinking skill was synthesis: I can work successfully with others using organisational tools to complete a task in a given time.

After Lucy and Morgan took turns to read out the task sheet, you jumped up and started moving the tables to create a space on the floor.  It was so hard for me to stand back and watch you without answering questions or giving suggestions but there was a lesson to be learned! Here is what I saw and heard during the twenty minutes. Which ones are positives and which ones can you learn lessons from?


After 20 minutes, the task was over and we had a good debrief to discuss what went well (W.W.W) and what would could have been done better (E.B.I). Here is your self assessment:


We compared your own self-assessment with my assessment and highlighted what we could use to improve any future tasks. Here you are in action.


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