P1 Homework week beginning 7/11/16

New sounds g and o.  Continue to practise all other sounds.

Wordwalls-if your child has a highlighted word on their wall, that means that I am happy they have shown me they are secure with the word.  Please concentrate on the words which have been dotted.  Words should be practised every night in and out of the order they appear on the wall to avoid children memorising them!

New reading books-swapped on Wednesday.  Please ensure your child has their reading book in their bag every day so that we have enough copies to swap.

Maths -booklet activity at any point in the week.

Toys sheet-at any point-if you don’t see Grandparents until the weekend then it is fine to leave it until then.

As  it begins to get colder, please ensure your child is appropriately dressed for going out in the chillier weather as we continue to do our daily mile.  Gloves, scarves and hats should be named clearly .

We are going to the library on Tuesday this week.  Children will all bring a library book home for you to enjoy with them.

Thank you for your parent evening appointment letters.  I will be putting a note in your child’s book bag on Monday with your alloted time.  I have tried to accommodate requests as much as possible and look forward to meeting with you  all.

Best wishes

Mrs Hunter

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