Primary 5H Homework and Reminders – w/b 3/10/16

Good evening everyone. I hope you are all having  great weekend. Please read on for this week’s homework and reminders.

Spelling: Please complete list qu or au in your spelling homework jotter.  Each word should be written out three times. A creative spelling activity, using ALL of your words, should also be completed. Please remember to complete all of the activities before you repeat any. This task should be returned to school by Thursday.

Presentation of your work has been very good from the majority of you, please keep this high standard up. Well done!

Book Detectives: Your Book Detectives homework is due for Wednesday.  This is your last Book Detectives homework for a while so let’s finish with a bang and make it the best yet.

Read chapter 27 then complete your summariser by  including the main points from this chapter.  A detailed, coloured illustration, with a short written explanation, should also be completed. Please choose your favourite part to read aloud to your group members in class and record the chapter, page number and number of the paragraph you have chosen in your Book Detective jotter.

Maths: I have set up 3 challenges on Mangahigh for you to complete. Please ensure you access each game and play to achieve the highest medal you can. I will be looking closely to the results at the end of the week as there are still a number of you who are not completing this task.  Please remember to let me know if you have been unable to access Mangahigh and I will arrange for you to use the IT suite at lunch.

Please complete your  Manga High challenges by Friday.

Topic: You should now be almost finished your personal project.  Please remember to use time to practice presenting your project and ask someone at home to be your audience. Please keep referring to the task sheet to check your success criteria.

Your topic should be brought to school on Thursday 6th October so you can present it to your classmates and myself.  I am looking forward to hearing them all.

Here are your reminders for this week.

  1. P.E. will be on Tuesday and Thursday this week. Tuesday’s P.E. session will again be with Primary 5H, therefore you do not need shorts or a t-shirt, however you will need trainers/gym shoes. P.E. on Thursday will be our normal session so please remember full kit.
  2. The appointment times for our upcoming Parents’ Evenings will be issued tomorrow (Monday). Please return the tear off slip as soon as possible to confirm your appointment.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend. I am not in school on Monday or Tuesday. Your teacher will be Mrs Davidson on Monday and Mrs McIntyre or Tuesday.  I am sure I will receive a great report from both of them.

See you in class on Wednesday.

Mrs Hughes

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