P5S – Key Figures Research

This week during our topic lessons we have been researching the key figures involved in The Scottish Wars of Independence.

Learning Outcome: I can identify important information relating to the key figures involved in the Scottish Wars of Independence.

I can investigate a Scottish historical theme to discover how past events or the actions of individuals, or groups, have shaped Scottish society.  SOC 2-03a

I can discuss why people and events from a particular time in the past were important, placing them within a historical sequence.  SOC 2-06a

Each clan member had the job of researching at least one of the key figures in detail. I was very impressed at the quality of some of your note taking during this task. It is a wonderful skill to learn and one we will be using many times during Primary 5.

You then had the job of sharing your notes with your clan members to allow everyone to learn about ALL of the key figures. We had some wonderful information being shared: these were some very interesting people we were researching. Please tell someone at home some of the facts you learned this week.

The final part of the task was to bring all of this information together to make a group fact file about all of the key figures. This was the tricky bit as we only had a certain amount of time to complete the task. A few , if not all, of our clans will be working very hard this term on improving their time management.

During this task I recorded what I could see and hear the children doing/saying and I have to say it was pretty impressive. Some clan members do need to try and stay on task a little more than they are,  however this is something we will work very closely on throughout Primary 5.

Here are a few photographs of everyone hard at work.














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