Parent Council

You are very important in supporting your children in school!

We are the Parent Council of Arkleston Primary and work hard to make our school a better place for everyone especially the children and all parents and carers who are automatically a member of the Parent Forum.  We represent the Parent Forum to ensure there is good communication with the school.

We also fundraise, and raise money to enhance the experience of our pupils.  Some things we have been able to help with is P1 bookbags, P7 leaver’s gifts, and outdoor playing equipment.

We are always keen to have new members join us, and you can find out more from our social media pages or by emailing  us on


Facebook                            Arkleston Parent Council

Twitter                                 @ArkyPC


Why not join us at our next meeting on Monday 4th November 2024 at 7pm.  If you are interested please contact us and we can provide further details.

2024/25 Minutes

Minutes of Parent Council Meeting 03.09.24

2023/24 Minutes

PC minutes term 1 2023

Minutes of Parent Council Meeting 8.11.23

Minutes of Parent Council Meeting 15.01.24

Minutes of Parent Council Meeting 30.04.24

Previous Minutes

AGM minutes 6th June 2023

AGM minutes 6th June 2022

APC minutes 31st Aug 2022

Minutes 17th January 23

APC Minutes 4th May 2023

Hannah Halsall          Charlene Scott &                        Gemma Fleming                                                       Jennifer Dumbreck

Chairperson                  Secretary                                         Treasurer

The more we learn, the brighter we shine!

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