Evie -the tall funny one with a side of quirky
Isobel-the smart fast one with side of a kind heart
Kayla- the horsey girl with a tweed jacket
Aggie-the funny one with a strange side if you look her in the eye she will chase you.
Sabina-the one who sings in the shower and who also summons the demon watch out for her
Grace-the country and city girl with a dash of style please don’t threaten her she will become Satan and chase you.
Shannon-the crazy one with a side of randomness with a pet hamster
Maisie-the puppy lover and lots of craziness with amazing hair.
Seonaid – the sneaky one with amazingly long hair and who climbs trees.
Paige-the psychopath-by Maisie-The subtitles-by aggie- the funny one-by Shannon-the cool one-by Kayla
and lastly Eleanor you are the glue the one who keeps our friendship together-by Paige -The one who has a hard crust outside but is the sweetest person ever-by Aggie- the best horse rider-by Shannon Kayla your great too don’t worry-She is the heart and the soul of the group-by Sabina You will always be our friend-by Grace.
you are special to all of us
by Paige Xx Aggie Xx Shannon Xx grace Xx Maisie Xx Kayla Xx Isobel Xx Evie Xx Sabina Xx