Parent Council

The jigsaw reflects eight key partners who work together in an empowered system to improve outcomes for children and young people. An empowered system is one that grows stronger and more confident, working in partnership to lead learning and teaching that achieves excellence and equity for all learners. Empowerment and collaboration for improvement happen at all levels in an empowered system.

As with every school in Scotland, Ruthvenfield Primary School has a Parent Council.  Meetings are held regularly with the Headteacher throughout the Academic Year and we actively encourage parents to come along to these meetings.

The Parent Council is here to support your child’s wellbeing and education and is key to the way in which parents can work in partnership with the school to achieve this. The Parent Council hold a number of events during the school year raising much needed funds which are put directly back into the school to benefit learners.  These funds are used for items which would not normally fall within the school’s main budget but will benefit the whole school community.

We are always very happy and grateful to see new faces and listen to new ideas. It is a fantastic community spirit to be part of at Ruthvenfield.  We are always in need of new/more parents to join and support the Parent Council and your involvement can be as much or as little as you wish.

The Parent Council can be contacted through the Parent Council Facebook page by searching for Ruthvenfield Primary Parent Council :-

Chairperson:- Mrs. Shona Condie

Treasurer:- Ms. Lisa Kurlus

Secretary:- Mr. Jon Storer