All posts by gw15middlemissalliso@glow

Victorians Cooperative Learning

P3 Victorians
P3M and P3A have been working together on an ICT project about important people from the Victorian Era.
The people we are learning about are:
– David Livingstone

– Charles Darwin

– Queen Victoria

– Isambard Kingdom Brunel

– Florence Nightingale

– Alexander Graham Bell

– John Cadbury

To find out more and see what we’ve learnt you will need to come to this year’s school show…
We look forward to seeing you there .






P3 have been lucky enough to have specialists in teaching tennis! For 5 weeks we will be up on the MUGA learning new skills and working towards a mini tournament.

Here is what some of us thought:

Luke R: It’s been really fun and I feel better at tennis.

Millie: You get to use racquets and balls to practise.

Luke C: I’ve enjoyed having lots and lots of exercise.

Keiran: I think I’m getting better at serving

‘Food to Fork’ Tesco Blairgowrie

Both P3 classes recently attended a ‘Farm to Fork’ workshop run by Tesco. At the workshop we had the chance to look behind the scenes in Tesco Blairgowrie. We had fun using the staffroom to complete different tasks, including finding different foods with wheat in them. We continued this into the store and had enjoyed using the products in the aisles to find wheat. The highlight of the day was going inside the freezer!img_8446 img_844720161130_141208 20161130_142803


BASC Visit P3

This week we were visited by BASC. They held 2 workshops for us which gave us the chance to look at local wildlife.

In workshop 1 we tasted a range of different foods that were locally sourced. This included tasting local produce like venison, nettle pesto and blackberry leather. Everyone tasted something new and had the chance to vote for their favourite.
Lots of new and intersting foods. img_1214 img_1236
In workshop 2 we looked at different animals in the local environment and how they can affect farming. We also held a variety of deer antler and found out how to identify different deer.
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Here is what we thought:

Iona: I liked the tasting because you got to try new things.

Dionne: We got to feel deer antlers. I liked it because it felt weird.

Keiran: I liked when we tasted the blackberry leather because it had so much flavour and it was healthy!

Mackay: I enjoyed the antlers because at the bottom it felt bumpy and at the top it was smooth.



P3M Outdoor Learning

Primary 3 have been out in the local woods using the environment. We have been creating journey sticks that show the path we have taken in the woods. Each pair had a stick and we used pins to secure interesting things that we had found. We then described the journey we had taken by looking at our sticks and sharing our interesting items with others.

Back in the classroom we will be using these to create personal maps of where we were and the journey we took. We are looking forward to going back in to the woods to learn more about the local environment. img_1115 img_1122 img_1127 img_1129