Victorians Cooperative Learning

P3 Victorians
P3M and P3A have been working together on an ICT project about important people from the Victorian Era.
The people we are learning about are:
– David Livingstone

– Charles Darwin

– Queen Victoria

– Isambard Kingdom Brunel

– Florence Nightingale

– Alexander Graham Bell

– John Cadbury

To find out more and see what we’ve learnt you will need to come to this year’s school show…
We look forward to seeing you there .






P3 have been lucky enough to have specialists in teaching tennis! For 5 weeks we will be up on the MUGA learning new skills and working towards a mini tournament.

Here is what some of us thought:

Luke R: It’s been really fun and I feel better at tennis.

Millie: You get to use racquets and balls to practise.

Luke C: I’ve enjoyed having lots and lots of exercise.

Keiran: I think I’m getting better at serving