All posts by Mrs Cox

P2/3 Visit Bluebell Woods

On Thursday 26 May, P2/3 went for a walk to Bluebell Woods to see the amazing display of beautiful bluebells.  We used our senses to explore the woods.  We closed our eyes to see what we could hear, we stopped and took a  big sniff to smell the wonderful aroma of the flowers.  We felt different objects with our hands and we saw what a beautiful place we live in.   We also discovered beasties and huge spider webs. Then each small group was given a part of “The Three Little Pigs” story to recreate using anything they could find on the floor of the woods.  The sun was shining, the birds were singing – what a lovely afternoon we had!



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SSPCA Visit to P1 – 3

P1 - P3 enjoying the talk.
P1 – P3 enjoying the talk.

On Friday 27th May, the SSPCA came to visit the school and gave various talks to the pupils.  P1 – P3 listened to a very enjoyable and fun talk on “Wild About Animals”.   It introduced pupils to the diverse range of animals in Scotland.  If focused on wild animals staying at the wildlife rescue centre and their release.

The Queen is 90!

On April 21st, P2/3 and P3, along with other schools in Perth and Kinross, came together at 3pm on the Queen’s Birthday and sang Happy Birthday to Her Majesty.  Then we were really clever and sang it in French as well.  We also talked about the role of the Queen and her big family and then made flags to cheer her on as we sang.   Here are couple of pictures.

Hip Hip Hooray!
Hip Hip Hooray!
3 cheers for Her Majesty!
3 cheers for Her Majesty!

Katie’s a Winner!

The school was invited to design a birthday card for the Queen’s 90th birthday.  There were 3 age groups including P1 – 3.  Each school in Perth and Kinross had to choose one winner from each each group.  Katie was the winner from Newhill in the P1 – 3 category.  Well done Katie!

The winning design.
The winning design.


Very Taysty Indeed!

On Wednesday 23rd February, Shona from the Taystful  Chocolate Company, Blairgowrie came to visit the  P2/3 and the P3 classes.   This was part of their topic ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’.  The children found out where chocolate came from and how it is made which linked to global citizenship, Fairtrade and the local community.  Pupils thoroughly enjoyed the visit especially dipping their own chocolate truffle into more chocolate!

Dipping the truffles! Delicious!
Dipping the truffles! Delicious!


Trying different types of chocolate.
Trying different types of chocolate.
Learning about the different types of moulds that are used.
Learning about the different types of moulds that are used.


Learning where chocolate comes from and how it is made.
Learning where chocolate comes from and how it is made.