Tag Archives: Primary

naldic resources for EAL learners during School Closures

Resources for EAL Learners During School Closures

This link contains lots of websites, apps and links to sites supporting EAL learning at home during school closures.  Some support pupils learning at different levels of English and some support for parents/guardians as well as support for teachers with EAL learners in their classes.   Lots of resources to help teachers with learning and teaching ideas.

Some of these we have posted already, but there are some excellent resources in here.  Have a look!


Coronavirus EAL support material

Attached are a variety of corona virus support materials – books, leaflets, workbooks – for young people of all ages and their parents/guardians to look at if they are feeling anxious about the current situation.  Hopefully you can find some that will help understand how the virus is affecting people’s lives and how to manage their feelings around this.

BPSTalking to children about illness

BPSTalking to children about coronavirus

Virus time capsule sheetsp.Primaryschool





Stay Home Superheroes


hand washing resource V2