Tag Archives: PKC

Test and Protect Information translated

Test and Protect information

Test and Protect is a public health measure designed to interrupt the spread of coronavirus in the community.

The Test and Protect approach aims to:

  • identify people who have the virus
  • trace those who have been in close contact with an infected person for a long enough period of time to be at risk of infection
  • support these close contacts to self-isolate, so that if they have the virus they are less likely to transmit it to others

Further information about Test and Protect is available from NHS Inform.

Please also find on the links to Test and Protect information translated into a range of community languages.


With thanks to Perth & Kinross Council

Coronavirus EAL support material

Attached are a variety of corona virus support materials – books, leaflets, workbooks – for young people of all ages and their parents/guardians to look at if they are feeling anxious about the current situation.  Hopefully you can find some that will help understand how the virus is affecting people’s lives and how to manage their feelings around this.

BPSTalking to children about illness

BPSTalking to children about coronavirus

Virus time capsule sheetsp.Primaryschool





Stay Home Superheroes


hand washing resource V2