Tag Archives: Listening

naldic resources for EAL learners during School Closures

Resources for EAL Learners During School Closures

This link contains lots of websites, apps and links to sites supporting EAL learning at home during school closures.  Some support pupils learning at different levels of English and some support for parents/guardians as well as support for teachers with EAL learners in their classes.   Lots of resources to help teachers with learning and teaching ideas.

Some of these we have posted already, but there are some excellent resources in here.  Have a look!


Listening practice with BBC Teach school radio

If you want to listen to some stories – either ones you have read in your English class, such as Macbeth or Private Peaceful, or some new stories, such as The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, then the link below is very good. Just pick a story and listen along. It is good for your English language structure and pronunciation.

Jekyll and Hyde even gives  you language structure and characterisation hints in the video as it is being read to help you understand the language better.

They are quite good for all ages. Link below.

Stories to listen to on BBC School Radio
