Author Archives: Miss Gourlay

Launch of our updated Curriculum Rationale

Dear Parent/Carer,

Our Curriculum Rationale

As you know we created our Curriculum Rationale in May 2016 with input from pupils, staff, parents and stakeholders. In January 2017 we revisited this, made some amendments and created a Curriculum Postcard with our key statements of Believe, Develop and Achieve sitting around a design of a tree and hands symbolising our links to the community and our desire to dig deep and reach high.

Please find attached a copy of the Curriculum Postcard and the Curriculum Rationale if you would like to give us some feedback on these please email Mrs Drew on

In school we have been working on several initiatives over the last 12 months to raise the attainment and achievement of all the pupils and support them to achieve the best they can and we will send home a copy of our progress with these initiatives over the coming weeks.




Farmers’ Market

There were lots of exciting stalls, including hens, dog biscuits made by the children, Lucky Dip, Food Tasting by Gwen the School Cook, Nail in a Bale, BBQ and produce from our garden.  We raised over £700 which will be spent on books and I-PADS.