Portmoak Primary School

Uniform and Clothing

We strongly encourage all learners to wear school uniform and to identify themselves as part of our school community. It is our opinion that when learners wear school uniform, their behaviour, and therefore their learning, tends to be better. Portmoak parents have been consulted on the make up of our school uniform and on the supplier of our branded items.

Our preferred everyday items are:

  • White shirt, blouse or polo shirt or maroon polo shirt (with or without a tie).
  • Maroon jumper or cardigan with school logo.
  • Black or grey trousers, pinafores, school shorts or skirts.
  • Plain black leggings or joggers may also be worn if desired.
  • Fleece lined reversible jacket with school logo (optional).
  • Black shoes

Our preferred items (to be available daily) in gym bags are:

  • Black shorts
  • White T-shirt (with or without school logo)
  • Black “light” gym shoes with non-marking soles– not heavy “trainer” type
  • Outdoor trainers and tracksuits are recommended for outside gym.
  • For Health and Safety, no jewellery can be worn during P.E. sessions. Pupils who wear earrings will need to remove them or tape them up before taking part.
  • Spare socks and a hair bobble for those with long hair should also be included.

Please note that clothing with designer labels or advertising should not be worn.

Please mark all clothing with your child’s name with labels or permanent ink.

In Primary 1, 2 and 3, an overall should be provided to protect clothing during art and craft lessons.

In warmer weather, school dresses in a red or blue checked material are also acceptable.

We recognise that chain stores and supermarkets offer suitable, self-coloured school-uniform items, but we do also have Portmoak Primary School branded items including polo shirts, sweatshirts and jackets. These items are available on the Earth Uniform website by searching for Portmoak School Uniform or on the link below:




All year groups have access to our extensive playground areas, although when P5-7 are playing football, the pitch is used for this. The top grass area, trim trail and slide are in daily use. The basketball court cannot hold all our pupils, and indeed can become too slippy for use in icy weather. This means that in winter time we must ask that children come to school suitably attired for playing on grass, which may be damp or muddy. A change of shoes (and socks) is a good idea for changing into during break and lunch time. You may also wish to provide a pair of tracksuit bottoms or waterproof trousers to wear over school clothes to stop them getting muddy.

School staff will remind pupils about getting changed for breaks, however I would ask that parents speak to their children about getting changed if appropriate. Please also ask your child to let their teacher or a member of support staff know if they have fallen and got very wet or muddy, so that this can be dealt with. Please rest assured that if your child is significantly wet and needs to have a complete change of clothes, we will contact you.

In snow and ice, daily decisions will be made in school on whether children can play outside on safety grounds, following risk assessment. Areas suitable for play will also be considered.

In heavy or persistent rain certain areas of the playground may be temporarily removed from use (e.g. the bottom pitch) or children may be kept in for break. Again, this will be a decision made on the day, depending on the conditions and safety concerns.

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