Tag Archives: PE

Climbing Wall

P2/3 had great time learning the skills to use the climbing wall.

You can move like a crab or like an Egyptian.

Everybody gave it a go, but Eleanor you were super!

Health Week Day 3

Today was busy, busy!

We made comments for our Friendship Tree – saying kind words about somebody we wouldn’t generally say something nice to.

Next we went over to the hall and Miss Dingwall showed us how to play Indoor Curling. We had a great time and some of us would have  played longer.

This was then followed by orienteering in the playground with Mrs Lynne. The children in pairs managed this very well and after initially finding it a little tricky, they had it mastered. Mrs Lynne kindly provided Hot Chocolate to keep us warm, as the snow was beginning to fall a little harder.

In the afternoon, after music practice, we played Whole School Dodgeball. Well done to Ardoch who won, but a big well done has to go to Alexander Bickerton who was standing alone in his team,

which seemed an eternity, avoiding all the balls.

Health Week Day 2

Today we started with a whole school walk around the Castle Drive. Even though there were snow flurries, off we went! On route Jim Dawson, a local farmer,  kindly let us see his newborn lambs in his farm.

After lunch we had a super time learning about SARDA. Mr Gaskell told us all about mountain rescue and the work of his dogs. We even had a demonstration, where the rescue dog had to find Mrs Gaskell.


We were skipping today and were learning to run in and certain songs. We sang Jelly on the Plate, Sweeties in the Jar and Sausages in the Pan.

We also learned I am a Girl Guide/ Beaver Scout Dressed in Green. More old songs will be taught over in the next couple of weeks.

Well done to Noah, Carly and Sandy who skipped well in my group today. Well done to the children who also gave a go at running in!


We started Fitness today in PE. We went around different stations to do different activities to raise our heart rate. We certainly did that! Everyone put in great effort today. Well done to Rebecca and Katie who listened especially well and carried out the activities very well.