Category Archives: RME

Our Wedding!

As part of our RME project, the children have been learning what churches are used for.

On the day before the Royal Wedding, we had our own little wedding in class and reception/party for the Big Day!

Cutting The Cake
Toasting the Bride and Groom!
Taking our Vows.


More Pictures!

A few more pictures to show some of the Learning we have been doing this term.

P2’s when they were learning Tens and Units
More work with Tens and Units
Reverend Perkins comes into class and helps us on a Monday afternoon. She is reading a story here.
P1’s ordering numbers in the playground.
Using little clocks to help us learn the time
Experiencing what it is like to be a blind paralympian.
Trusting your partner to lead you through cones when blindfolded.