Category Archives: Problem Solving

Maths Week

This week was Maths Week for the whole school. This meant there was a particular focus on Numeracy and Maths.

In P1/2, in Soft Play, the children played a number of games with a Maths link such as Snakes and Ladders and Connect Four.

We linked our PE to Numeracy  and Maths.

We did a couple of orienteering exercises where the children were learning to read maps, follow routes in a numbered plan, recognise shapes and score using mental addition.

The children also practised number recognition, addition and subtraction facts through racing games.

In the forest, P 1 and 2 were making numbers in different ways.

Den Building

This week we were up in the forest and were building dens.

We all had to work together in our groups to build a solid den in which one or more people could fit into.

One group was very creative and made a garden path and a fire exit with their den.

Thank you very much to Mrs Howie and Mrs Black who came along and helped us build our dens!

SDC13528 SDC13529 SDC13531 SDC13538 SDC13540 SDC13541