Author: C. Gibson

Post Production Week

This week we have been finishing little bits of filming ‘pick ups’ and editing it all together. We think it’s quite a hard job but we are almost there. We have also been learning how to say the emotions in French! We had great fun learning all about our senses by doing some experiments. Patrick, Hester & Ursie’s Dad came in to help. Today on our Daily Mile we found some brambles! they were delicious.
Almost the end of term, still lots to do, it’s been a very busy start to the year, we think this term has passed by very quickly.

Filming is a Tough Job!

Another busy week at Grandutully Primary School. Our main job this week has been acting and recording footage for our short film.. ‘Freddie’s New Adventure’ We are really enjoying figuring out all the shots. We were disappointed not to get our Green Screen App in time but we moved on and made our own set which we think is brilliant!
We have ben enjoying PE with Mr McIntosh and getting outside for our Daily Mile too. Today on our Daily Mile we found a bird that looked distressed. We asked Mrs Stirling to phone the SPCA and they came to get it. It was a guillemot! We think it had maybe got a wee bit lost.
We are looking forward to cooking our Harvest produce next week ready for the Premiere of our film on Tuesday 4th October – hope to see you all there.

Third Week of School but First FULL week for P1!

Another week over. Lets hear what we have been up to this week.
“It’s good to see that the P1s are happy here” Sofia
“A visitor called Mr Gibson came into help us with our film based on Inside Out but a lot different. It has live characters and we have decided who we are going to be. We have almost finished our sculptures” Maya
“We made posters for the Zero Waste Challenge, they remind us how to reduce, reuse and recycle, we also been doing some assessments” Megan
“We are making a film” Noah
“We are learning about numbers” Julia
“We are learning about numbers and writing greedy 0 and penguin 1” Eva
“It’s so fun making our sculptures” Max
“We are making a movie” Freddie
“I like doing the film” Ursie
“I like reading Michael Recycle” Minette
“We are learning about information handling, we made a class pictogram” Erin
“This week it has been fun working with the P1s” Jillie-Ann
“We have been learning about place value” Hester
“I like doing my writing this week” Nina
“We are all chuffed about our sculptures, we’ve nearly finished them” Enzo

A New School Year

Welcome back to our class blog.  We are excited to have 8 new pupils at Grandtully Primary, our class now has 17 pupils in it.

We have been very busy making, writing, running, drawing, counting, reading, talking and listening. We have made a few changes to our classroom and are enjoying planning our new term’s work.

This term our learning will focus on the theme ‘All About Us’ we are taking part in the Heartland Film Society competition.. watch this space!

Highlights of the week include
– creating wire sculptures of ourselves
– taking part in a football taster session
– miming in drama
– creating our new pupil group GP17

We are hoping to update our blog every Friday to share our learning with you.

After Easter…

This term we have been learning about the Easter story and also what happened after Jesus was resurrected.  To help us visualise this part of the story we went to Kenmore beach along with our friends at Kenmore Primary School.  Mrs Brennan told us the story once again where Jesus told Peter and the other disciples to fish on the other side of their boat.  They then ate some fish on the beach for a picnic breakfast.  This was Jesus’s time to say goodbye to his friends for the last time.  IMG_1680 To help us remember we worked together in groups to make a fish using stones and sticks and driftwood.  It had to be 1 metre long!IMG_1703


Animations and Trailers

Thank you to all our families who came along to parent contact last week, the pupils really enjoyed sharing their learning with you. Here are all the short films that were on display that night in case you missed them.

We are also delighted to announce that our Book Trailer for Never Tickle a Tiger was Highly Commended by the Scottish Book Trust.

P1 The Science of Sound

Book Trailer

Katie Bairdie (Grandtully Style)

An Anthology of Scots Poems

A Day of Medieval Making

First we did some research on a site called Scran and we also looked in books. We used our skimming and scanning and note-taking skills to help. We wanted to find out what people wore in medieval times. After our research we had some ideas on how recreate the items of clothing that we had found. Some people worked with adults, parent helpers, to design and make a costume. Others tried some embroidery, weaving, making clay accessories and sewing small pouches. We had to persevere when things got tricky! Here are some photos of our day. We are going to continue our work next week.
We would like to thank all the parents who came in to help out.





Scots Poems

We were so busy before the half term break we forgot to upload our fabulous animated Scots poems. We were inspired by the story of the Boy and the Bunnet and liked how each character had music to go with it that described how the character moved or what the character was like. We chose local animals and created a storyboard about their adventures. After that we wrote a poem based on the storyboard adding in poetry techniques and scots words. Mr and Mrs Young played us the lovely tunes that go along with the characters in the Boy and the Bunnet and then we created our own for our characters using percussion instruments. We then animated our poem and added music and our voices reading the poems.

We put them altogether to create an anthology.

A Busy Week of Planning

This week we have been planning our History theme we are going to be learning about Medieval life and Castles. Hazel also went to Kenmore to plan for their ski trip next week with the other P6 & 7s.
We have been practising our reading skills identifying the features of a non-fiction book and skimming and scanning to find out what people wore in the past.


We are looking for parent helpers to help create a medieval village in our garden! If you would like to help out please get in touch.