Day: June 2, 2017

Weekly Update

Adventure Stories

Our stories are almost finished.  Some pupils in P1 have already published theirs! they are now in our school library.

Visit to Pitlochry Dam

As part of our Eco work we visited the new centre in Pitlochry.  We learned about the fish ladder and the hydro electric scheme. We really enjoyed all the activities. and we saw some really big salmon!

Little Lighthouse Project

We are continuing to investigate circuits and how they work.  Some of us spotted circuits while at the dam!

Camera Trap

Jago, Freya, Minette and Mrs Gibson joined Heather to attend the SNH Awards this week.

We captured our camera trap science project on film and entered this film into the competition. Our film won in the learning and progression category, we won a camera trap of our own to keep!  We will be sharing our film at the showcase event in June but here is a sneak peak!



We independently demonstrated our print making skills by creating collagraph self portraits.

Health & Wellbeing / Technology

We tried some ‘app smashing’ this week, which is when you combine things from different apps to make something. We used this technique to demonstrate our understanding of gender stereotypes. Check out what we came up with.