Pirates of the Curry Bean and our Celebration of Achievement Evening.

P3-7 put on a spectacular performance of their play Pirates of the Curry Bean. There were ships, cutlasses, fighting, treasure,treasure maps and of course….PIRATES!

There was fantastic singing and acting by everyone!

This was all followed by our Celebration and Achievement Evening .

Well done to everyone who took part (even P1/2 for extra singing voices) and to everyone who won awards on the night! Thank you to all parents, grandparents and carers who came along on the night and helped out with costumes etc.

Nursery Graduation

The Nursery children put on a fabulous performance on their Graduation Day! First they performed dances to mini beast songs, then they were presented with their certificates.

Present Primary 6s, who will be their P7 buddies next year, gave them words of wisdom on how to survive P1!

Thank you to Mrs Fridge and Ms Carey who have worked so hard with the children over the last two years.