House Football Tournamnet

On the last day of term we held our popular House Football Tournament.

All the children who entered earned points for their House.  The tournament was split into upper and lower school teams.  The rest of the children cheered on their House.

The winning team will be announced in the new term.

A big thank you to Mr Lee, who organised the tournament, and to Mr Mckenzie, who had the unenviable job of referee!


Our Harvest Service

We held our end of term service in the Village Hall yesterday and this was followed by The Macmillan Coffee Morning.

Parents and Grandparents were entertained as each class from Nursery to P7, sang songs with a Harvest/Autumn theme. P7 did readings and Rev Perkins joined us as well to talk about this special time of the year.

Thank you to everyone who joined us and contributed baking. Thank you to all parents as well who contributed money for their children to have cake and juice.

Bingo Night!

Thank you so much to everyone who came along to the Bingo Night held in the Village Hall. An amazing £863.50 was raised!

A big thank you to the Parent Council who organised the event and also to Mrs Fridge and her Enterprise Committee, who held a very popular and successful Tombola.