World Book Day 📒🌍

Tomorrow (Thursday) is World Book Day. To celebrate, children are invited to bring in their favourite book from home. Don’t worry if you don’t have one – you can borrow a book from the class library.

We will be doing some fun activities in school.

Mrs Keith Problem Solving

Today Mrs Keith came to visit us and we did lots of problem solving.

We split into 7 groups and each had to solve a problem for her. Mrs Keith was very impressed with how hard we worked.

Making a bed big enough for Stickman…..

Making a tunnel for dinosaurs…..

Building a chair for Olaf……

Dressing the teddy bears……

Building a bridge for the billy goats…..

Making flowers for Olaf’s garden……

Fairtrade Cooking

Yesterday we went along to the kitchen and made Fairtrade lemonade and Fairtrade chocolate and banana snacks.

Each class has to make a Fairtrade product in the kitchen and the Eco committee will judge who they think is the best.

We then went back to class and got to eat and drink what we had made. We thought we did a great job!

Homework and Reminders 02.03.20


  • It is World Book Day on Thursday. Children can bring in their favourite book to share with the class. If they don’t have a book to bring in, they can pick one from the class library. 
  • It is the Pancake Breakfast on Friday – each class will be singing a few song in the hall. The Pancake Breakfast starts at 9:15am and p1/2 are singing at 10:30am.

Literacy Homework

  • Please continue to log into your Sumdog account and play the literacy  and numeracy games – these are great for improving reading and mental math skills. I can provide log-in details if you have forgotten yours.
  • This weeks words are:  could  down   big    our 
  • This weeks sound is ee. Can you use your sound cards to make the ee words below.
  • feet
  • Please try and read as often as you can with your child. Can you find any ee words in your book?
    Maths Homework 
    • We have been learning to tell the time when it is o’clock and half- past the hour. Can you find any clocks at home? Are they digital clocks or analogue clocks?
    • Have a go at playing with this clock on your tablet:
  • Please complete the maths worksheet in pencil.
  • Can you answer the following questions. Remember to put the big number in your pocket and add on the small number.
    19 + 5 =
    13 + 4 =
    5 + 18 =
    2 + 22 =
    4 + 16 =
    16 + 2 =

Eco Day 🌍

Today we celebrated Eco Day and learned all about being eco friendly.

We did different Eco activities in Miss Donald’s class, our own class and even got to back to the nursery for an activity!

With Miss Donald we learned all about saving energy and made a poster. With Miss Murray we grew cress heads in recycled pots and then wrote instructions – the cress should be grown by next Friday we hope.


This morning we had great fun playing in our new ‘Fairtrade Cafe’ in the Learning Zone.

In the afternoon we watched a video that taught us all about Fairtrade and made Fairtrade pictures.

We then had a tasty pancake to celebrate Shrove Tuesday!

Homework 24.02.20

Literacy Homework 
  • This weeks words are:  said  make  like  made 
  • Can you make a sentence with your sound cards and words?
  • This weeks sound is ch. Can you use your sound cards to make the ch words below.
  • chop
  • Please try and read as often as you can with your child. Can you find any ch words in your book?
  • Please complete the worksheet in pencil in your homework folder. Sound out the word and write your letters correctly on the line.
Maths Homework 
  • Log into Sumdog and try some of the questions on a phone, computer or tablet.
  • Please complete the maths worksheet in pencil.
  • Can you answer the following questions. Remember to put the big number in your pocket and add on the small number.
    15 + 5 =
    3 + 7 =
    5 + 8 =
    2 + 25 =
    4 + 6 =
    6 + 2 =
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