Learning from Home – Day 1.

Hi everyone,
I hope you are all safe and well and excited to learn from home!
Please take the time to read the letter Miss Ferguson wrote in your home learning pack you got on Friday – this explains how the blog will work and may answer any questions you have at the moment.
I will try and make the lessons as straightforward as possible and ensure any links can be used on tablets/phones as well as desktop computers.
Obviously, with our class being a composite class, some of the work will differ for the Primary 1’s and Primary 2’s – please ensure you look out for the different activities for your child’s stage.
Take this opportunity to enjoy showing the people you live with how clever you are and what you have learned so far in p1/2. I can’t wait to hear how you all get on.
Miss Murray

Monday Literacy Lesson

Literacy – Phonics Monday

I can read and write words with th.
Today we are going to be learning all about the digraph ‘th’. Remember th can make 2 sounds:
  • th like in the word thin, bath and three
  • th like in the word then, this and that
**Look below to see how to set your work out in your jotter**

Warm up:

  • Watch these two YouTube clips all about th:



Main Task:

  • In your jotter write some words with th at the beginning, middle or end of the word e.g  thunder, path, feather.
  • Write a sentence with a th word in it. Remember a capital letter, full stop and finger spaces in your sentence.
  • Draw a picture to illustrate your th sentence.

Extra Challenge:

  • How many th words can you write in one sentence e.g. When I was three I hurt my thumb with a thorn.

Set it out in your jotter like this:





Reading Game:

  • To practise your reading play the game below.
  • Click on CVC or, if you want a trickier challenge, click on CVCC/CCVC




Monday Numeracy Lesson

Place Value Monday

I can order numbers.

Warm Up:

  • Primary 1’s:  watch this video clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndj6D-cWseA                 Count forwards and backwards to 30. Try starting from a different number each time e.g. start at 19 and count up to 30 or start from 25 and count backwards to 0.
  • Primary 2’s: watch this video clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ss-azuApvA0                  Count forward and backwards to 100. Try starting from a different number each time e.g. start at 49 and count up to 100 or start from 37 and count backwards to 0.

Main Activity:

  • Starting from 0, write your numbers in order. How far can you get?
  • Write each row of numbers in order, from smallest to largest.
  • Primary 1’s numbers are in red and the Primary 2 numbers are in blue.
  • Primary 1

    Primary 2

    1.    9      5      3      0

    1.    79     25     13      0

    2.    10      9     11      13

    2.    35    99      12    13

    3.    7      19      12       2

    3.    17     90     89    28

    4.    15      8     11       12

    4.   45     68     11     70

    5.    21     11      1       14

    5.    2    100    14     52

    6.    26     19     30      20

    6.   29     49     39    19

    7.    16     23     10      27

    7.   66     23     18     27

    8.   12    17    7    30    25

    8.   8   12   77   30   41

Extra Challenge:

  • Make up your own maths problem.
  • Write down 4 numbers and then order them yourself or get someone else to order them.

Game to support learning:

Homework 16.03.20

Literacy Homework

  • Try playing this game at home – we play it in class and the children really love it:
  • https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/helpAHedgehog/
  • Please revise all common words learned so far.
  • This weeks sound is th. Can you use your sound cards to make the th words below?
  • thin
  • Please try and read as often as you can with your child. Can you find any th words in your book?
    Maths Homework 
  • Please complete the maths worksheet in pencil.
  • Can you answer the following missing number sums:
    14 + ? = 16
    4 +? = 7
    19 + ? = 24
    6 + ? = 9
    18 + ? = 21
    10 + ? = 14

Sports Relief Friday 🏃🏻⚽️🔴

We have had such a great day for Sports Relief.

In Miss Donald’s class we worked in pairs and counted how many jumps, burpees and ball bounces we could do in a minute.

Then we went along to the hall with Miss Murray and completed lots of different obstacle courses.

In the afternoon we went to a special Sports Relief assembly and learned a new song.

I apologise for the lack of photographs…..forgot to take the iPad with me! Sorry!!

On Tuesday we learned more about telling the time on a digital and analogue clock.

We also learned about the seasons and months of the year.

In the afternoon we mixed paint and painted a tree to represent each season.

Sports Relief

Friday is ‘Sports Relief’. To raise money children are asked to bring a £1 donation and come to school wearing something red or wearing their sports clothes – we will be doing some sport related activities throughout the day.


Homework 09.03.20

Literacy Homework

  • Try playing this game at home – we play it in class and the children really love it:
  • https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/helpAHedgehog/
  • .
  • This weeks words are:  off him  all came
  • This weeks sound is oo. Can you use your sound cards to make the oo words below.
  • tools
  • Please try and read as often as you can with your child. Can you find any oo words in your book?
    Maths Homework 
    • Try logging into your Sumdog account and playing some numeracy games.
  • Please complete the maths worksheet in pencil.
  • Can you answer the following doubles and near double questions:
    4 + 5 =
    6 +7 =
    9 + 9 =
    6 + 6 =
    8 + 8 =
    10 + 9 =
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