All posts by Miss Murray

Start of the final term!

I hope you have all had a great Easter holiday and are ready for the final term in p1/2.

It was great seeing you all today.Β 

For extra revision, and to help with reading confidence, I have sent home a laminated sheet of sounds and words the children have been learning this year (this is for the children to keep at home to practise when they can).

I have allocated reading books on Active Learn. I know a few parents mentioned that they prefer reading with their child using physical books they have at home rather than using the online books – this is absolutely OK.Β 

Easter Holidays are here 🐣

We have had such a fun day celebrating the last day of school before the Easter holidays. What a fun, enthusiastic and lovely class I have.
There was extra excitement when Mr Green and Mrs Thomson came to tell us we won the Easter quiz from assembly! We have a movie and snack afternoon to look forward to when we are back.
Thanks for all the hard work over the last month or so. Here’s to a happy and chocolate filled Easter! See you all when we get back to school.