All posts by Miss Murray

Thursday in p1/2

We’ve had a busy day in p1/2.

Our p2’s did some sound and word revision with Mrs Watson and then came and joined the p1’s in the Learning Zone.

We then spent time writing our names and taking our pens ‘for a walk’.


Please label all items

With lots of  jumpers and cardigans going wanders, and the cloakroom being a busy place,  it would be greatly appreciated if you could label all your child’s items.

Water Bottles

Children are welcome to bring in a filled water bottle each day.


Primary 1/2 have P.E. on a Thursday and a Friday. They can leave their gym kit in school if that is easier for you.

Please include: gym shoes, a t-shirt and shorts.

Welcome to p1/2

Image result for welcome

Welcome everyone to p1/2’s blog.

Please try and check the blog regularly for information and updates on what we have been doing in class. 

If you ever have any question please feel free to speak to me anytime. Thank you.

Here’s to a successful year ahead.