Thank you SO much for the fantastic ‘All About Me’ homework you handed in. Everyone in school has been so impressed by the fantastic effort and the creativity.
It has been lovely finding out a little more about you all.
If you don’t mind them being kept in school, we are going to display them on our walls for everyone to appreciate.
Thank you to those Primary 1 parents/carers who came along to the homework workshop last night.
Please remember there is another one tomorrow after school 3.00 – 3.30pm for those who were unable to make yesterdays session.
Please remember to put homework folders in your child’s school bag every day – we need to use them in class.
As always, thank you for your continued support and if you have any questions/queries please feel free to ask.
Your child has come home with their homework folder. Please keep everything in the homework folder and put it back into your child’s bag when you are finished – we will be using the sound and word cards in class.
P1 Homework
Please try and go over your words and sounds as often as you can – little and often is usually best.
This weeks sounds are : a t sCan you find these sounds in your word wallet?Can you think of any words that have these sounds at the start?
This weeks words are : a the at Can you find these words in your word wallet? Can you find any of these words in a book or in your house?
Please complete the first page of your workbook in pencil.
Write your name 3 times at the top.
Make sure you are forming your letters correctly – always start at the top.
Draw pictures or get an adult to write words beginning with these sounds in the box at the bottom.
There seems to have been a mix up with school blazers.
I have a size 23 school blazer in the class. Someone is missing a size 25 blazer which only has one button. Can you please check if you have this blazer at home and we can swap them back.
Can you please ensure all clothing/belongings are labelled.