All posts by Miss Murray

Homework 07.10.19

Primary 1 Homework

Sounds and Words
  • This week is a consolidation week – we will be revising all the sounds and words we have learned so far.
  • Please spend time this week going over the sounds and words your child is not as confident with – I have marked these on a sheet and placed them in their homework folder.
  • Please complete the sound and number worksheet in your folder. 
  • Please complete the worksheet in pencil.
  • Make sure you are forming your letters correctly.
  • Play these games on a computer, phone or tablet:

Primary 2 Homework

Sounds and Words
  • Please go over the sounds: ng  sh  ch  th  wh  ee  oo
  • What words can you make with these sounds?
Reading Book
  • Try and read your reading book as often as you can.
  • Remember to point to each word as you read it.
  • Can you find any words with ng sh ch th wh ee oo in them?
  • Play these games on a computer, phone or tablet.
  • Use the numbers up to 100.

Learning Zone STEM

Today we visited the Learning Zone to play in all the new areas.

Junk modelling:

Measuring at the water trough:

Making Percys binoculars:

Using the friction boards to race the cars down:

Role play at Percys Hut:

Investigating the bugs at Small World:

Building in the STEM Hub:


This week is STEM Week.

STEM stands for:

  • Science

  • Technology

  • Engineering

  • Maths

Each afternoon we have been participating in some STEM activities. We have been doing them in our own class and also in p2 with Mrs Lang.
Today we went on a Technology Hunt around the school with our clipboards.

We then got to use the remote control cars to race each other across the finishing line.

Yesterday we did some Science. We had to work out the best way to melt our block of ice and save the toy fish from inside!
Some of us heated up our hands and used them to melt the ice:

Others decided to use the heat from the sun to melt the ice:

Soon all our fish were free!


Design a Road Safety Calendar

North Lanarkshire are holding a ‘Road Safety Calendar Competition’  .

If your child would like to enter then please hand in their entry by Thursday  3rd October.  This is an optional competition.

First prize for each age group is £30.

Please see the attached photo for the ‘5 Steps to Winning’. I’ll also put it on the window outside the classroom door.

If you require any paper/pencils then let me know.

Thank you







Homework 23.09.19

Primary 1 Homework


  • This weeks sounds are :  e   c   k
  • Can you make up any 3 letter words with your sounds e.g. can, cat, nip.
  • Can you think of any words that have these sounds at the beginning?


  • This weeks words are :  am  me  my 
  • Can you find these words in your word wallet?
  • What sounds are in these words?
  • Can you find any of these words in a book or in your house?


  • Please complete the 4th page of your workbook (with sounds e, c, k) in pencil.


Try playing these pattern and symmetry games at home (they should work on a tablet or phone):

Book of the Week

Our book of the week is ‘The Scarecrow Wedding’ by Julia Donaldson.
  • Can you remember what happened in the beginning, middle and end of the book?
  • Can you remember any of the characters?

Primary 2 Homework


  • Can you think of words that have these sounds at the beginning, middle or end?
  • What words can you make with your sound cards?
  • Can you name the capital letters that go with the lowercase letters?


  • Go over the words in your word wallet.
  • How many of these words can you find in your reading book or around your house?


  • Please complete the 4th page of your workbook in pencil.
  • Make sure you are forming your letters correctly – always start at the top.

Reading Book

  • Read your reading book at home to an adult.
  • Try and read your book every day if you have time.
  • Remember to point to each word as you read it.


Try playing these pattern and symmetry games at home (they should work on a phone or tablet):