All posts by Miss Murray

Friday Nativity

  • Can all children in Primary 1 and Primary 2  please remember to wear black/dark trousers or leggings to school on Friday for the Nativity. School trousers or jeans will be absolutely fine. Children will be given a t-shirt to wear on stage. Image result for black trousers clipart



  • It is the ‘Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day’ this Wednesday. If possible we ask that children bring a donation to give to the local foodbank (tins or dried food) instead of a £1 donation. Hopefully we can spread a little extra Christmas cheer by helping local families.
  • Please hand in the slips letting us know what your child would like for the Christmas lunch on Wednesday. Children in p1/2 get free school meals but still need to indicate what they would like.
  • Thursday is an In-Service Day due to the election.
  • The school nativity is this Friday. Please can children wear black trousers or leggings to school – they will be provided with a t-shirt to wear on stage.

Primary 1 Homework


  • Please continue to revise all sounds in your word wallet.
  • We are still looking at words with ‘an‘ in them. Can you make up these at words with your sound cards:


  • This weeks words are :  from  this  that  then
  • Can you make up a sentence with the words and sounds in your word wallet e.g. She  was  not  in  the  bus  with  dad.

Reading Book

  • Please try and read as often as you can.
  • Remember to point to each word as you read it.
  • Can you find any of your words or sounds in your book?
  • Please complete the sheet in the  pencil.

Primary 2 Homework

Sounds and Words
  • Go over your words and sounds in your folder.
  • Can you make a sentence with your words and sound cards?
Reading Book
  • Try and read your reading book as often as you can.
  • Remember to point to each word as you read it.

Homework and Reminders 02.12.19


  • It is the ‘Christmas Cinema’ event this Thursday after school. If your child would like to come along and watch a film please hand in the form ASAP. It costs £2 and popcorn, a hotdog and a drink is provided. 
  • Please hand in the slips letting us know what your child would like for the Christmas lunch on Wednesday 11th December. Children in p1/2 get free school meals but still need to indicate what they would like.

Primary 1 Homework


  • Please continue to revise all sounds in your word wallet.
  • We are still looking at words with ‘at‘ in them. Can you make up these at words with your sound cards:


  • This weeks words are :  she  came  dad  not  are
  • Can you make up a sentence with the words and sounds in your word wallet e.g. She  was  not  in  the  bus  with  dad.

Reading Book

  • Please try and read as often as you can.
  • Remember to point to each word as you read it.
  • Can you find any of your words or sounds in your book?
  • Please complete the sheet in the  pencil.
  • Try answering some questions about the number before and after/more than and less than:
    9  +  1  =
    2 less than 10
    The number after 7
    2  +  0  =
    2 more than 5
    5  add  0  =

Primary 2 Homework

P2’s were given a ‘Festive Homework’ Sheet – let me know if you need any resources to complete the activities.
Sounds and Words
  • Go over your words and sounds in your folder.
  • Can you make a sentence with your words and sound cards?
Reading Book
  • Try and read your reading book as often as you can.
  • Remember to point to each word as you read it.