All posts by Miss Murray

Knitting Tuesday

Today, as part of our topic, we learned about clothes from the past. We learned that instead of buying clothes from a shop lots of people knitted their own clothes.

We watched a video of a lady knitting a dress and looked at knitting needles.

Afterwards we used the wool to make clothes for our ‘puppet from the past’.

Homework and Reminders 03.02.20

Show and Tell 

  • Show and Tell will now only be on a Friday afternoon. Children can bring in a toy or a story to share with the class if they wish – please be aware that this is optional and in no way obligatory.

Sumdog and Websites

  • Please log in and play Sumdog using your log-in details. This is a great website for literacy and mental maths games. It can be played on a phone, computer or tablet.
  • Please try and read as often as you can with your child – this is making a huge difference. I will continue to give 3 new books over the course of 2 weeks.
  • Please complete the worksheet in pencil in your homework folder.
  • Go over your words in your homework folder – sort your words out into words you can read easily and words you find tricky.
  • Can you make 4 letter words with your sound cards?









    Let me know if you have any questions or queries.
  •  As always, thank you for your hard work with your homework. 

Lots of super number work!

Today we played ‘steal the number’. We had to use super mental maths skills to win the numbers. The person with the most numbers at the end won the game.

We also used the number dice to practise our adding. We rolled the dice then had to add the numbers together. We took the big number and put it in our pocket then added the small number on with our fingers.

Homework and Reminders

  • Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and carers who came along to the Parent Open Morning on Friday – it was great to have you all in the class.
  • ‘Snowball Madness’ is this Wednesday from 3pm until 4pm. It costs £1 and children will get a hot chocolate treat. Please hand in permission slips and money if you child wishes to go. 
Reading Books
  • To ensure children are being challenged, and to increase fluency in reading, some children will get 3 new reading books home over 2 weeks (instead of 1 book per week).
  • This will be judged as appropriate e.g. length of book, difficulty of book.
  • I would appreciate your ongoing support at listening to your child read their book whenever you have the time (I understand this is not always possible). It makes such a huge difference to their confidence and really brings their reading on. Thank you.
Primary 1 Homework
  • This week we are looking at words with ‘in‘ in them. Can you make up these at words with your sound cards:
  • This weeks words are:  new  now  now  out
  • Please complete the uppercase letters worksheet in your homework folder. Remember to form your letters correctly.
Reading Book
  • Can you find any capital letters in your book?
  • Can you find any of your words or sounds in your book?
  • Please complete the numbers to 30 worksheet in you folder.
  • Log-in to your Sumdog account and play some of the games on a computer, phone or tablet.
Primary 2 Homework
  • Complete the number ordering worksheet in your homework folder.
  • Log-in to your Sumdog account and play some of the games on a computer, phone or tablet.
    Sounds and Words and Reading Book
  • Please complete the uppercase letter worksheet in your homework folder.
  • Please can you go over your sounds and words.

Burns Day

This afternoon we had a mini burns supper. We sang Auld Lang Syne and ate shortbread and oatcakes. We learned all about Robert Burns and listened to some of his poems.

Then a special Papa came in to tell us all about life at school when he was a wee boy. We asked him super questions and listened to his stories.

Lots of Learning

We played a new literacy game this week – we had to dance around to the music and then when the music stopped we had to find a partner and read our word to them.

As part of our topic we have been looking at how Scotland is different now to how it was in the past. We played different games like hopscotch and leap frog.

We then made our very own timelines.