All posts by Miss Murray

Wednesday Literacy Lesson

Morning p1/2,

Have a great Wednesday – the sun is shining again! Here are todays lessons for you to try:

Blending Wednesday

Today we are going to be reading and writing words that have letter blends at the start of the word.

Warm Up:

  • Play this game on a tablet/phone or computer: Forest Phonics. Click on the first box with the option for ‘sp gr sl fl‘.
  • Watch this video on letter blends:

Main Activity:

  • In your jotter, sound out and write the letter blend at the start of each word.
  • Remember to form your letters neatly.
  • If you would like to, you can draw the picture with the word.

Phonics Initial Consonant Blends Worksheets

Extra Challenge:

  • Write the words in capital letters as well as lower case letters e.g. flag and FLAG.
  • Try and write a silly sentence with some of the words you have written e.g. The crab wore a dress and glasses.

Game to Support Learning:

  • To support reading, try and play this game. Click on Phase 2 or Phase 3:

Help a Hedgehog to Read

Wednesday Maths Lesson

Subtraction Wednesday

  • Remember when we subtract the number always gets smaller; we count backwards.
  • Minus, take-away, less than and subtract all mean the same thing.
Warm Up:
  • Primary 1’s: can you write your numbers backwards from 20?
  • Primary 2’s: can you write your numbers backwards from 100?
  • Watch these videos to help you:

Main Task:
  • Write down your subtraction sums in your jotter and then answer them.
  • Remember to put the big number in your pocket and count back the small number using your fingers or use a number line to help you.
Primary 1
Primary 2

1 =

24 1 =

2 =

18 2 =

 6 3 =

16  3 =

8 – 4 =

20  4 =

10  3 =

12  5 =

18 – 0 =

15  0 =

15  3 =

– 4 =

12  4 =

10  4 =

Extra Challenge: 
  • Can you answer these tricky missing number sums?
  • Put the number in your pocket and count back using your fingers until you reach the answer. How many fingers did you need?
  • Remember they are take away sums:
·         9 – ? = 8
·         5 – ? = 3
·         3 – ? = 1
·        12 – ? = 10
·         6 – ? = 2
·         11 – ? = 8
Game to Support Learning:

Welcome Back

Hi p1/2,

I hope you all managed to have a nice Easter – did you get any Easter eggs? The weather has been so lovely and sunny. There has been about 500 lambs born on my Dads farm over the holidays….they are enjoying running and playing in the sun.

I hope you and your families are all safe, happy and well.

Here are Mondays online lessons….


Monday Literacy Lesson

Phonics Monday

Today we are going to be learning all about the digraph ch.

Warm up:

  • Can you remember what a digraph is?
  • Watch these two YouTube clips all about ch:

Main Task

  • In your jotter write some words with ch e.g  chin, chat, rich.
  • Write a sentence with a ch word in it. Remember a capital letter, full stop and finger spaces in your sentence.
  • Draw a picture to illustrate your ch sentence.
  • Set it out in your jotter like this:
Ch words:

  __________________________                                                 __________________________

__________________________                                                 __________________________

__________________________                                                __________________________

__________________________                                                  __________________________

Ch sentences:




Ch picture:

Extra Challenge:

  • How many ch words can you write in one sentence e.g. The chick sat on the bench and had a chat and his lunch.

Game to support Learning:

  • Practise your blending with the game below. Challenge yourself by clicking on the ‘Phase 3 sounds’.


Monday Maths Lesson

Place Value Monday

Warm Up:

  • Primary 1’s can you count forwards and backwards to 30?
  • Primary 2’s can you count forward and backwards to 100?
  • Use the videos below to count along to and help you.

Main Activity:

  • Complete these questions in your jotter.
  • Remember to check for the different Primary 1 and Primary 2 questions.

Primary 1

Primary 2

Write these numbers in order from smallest to largest:
·       28     15     11       7
·       16      2      13        12
·       25       15        5         30
·       19       10       11        20
Write these numbers in order from smallest to largest:
·       17     11      13      12
·       47     67     57       37
·       30     20     40       70
·       99     52     17      68
Write down the number before and after:
·       ____     29   ____
·       ____     13   ____
·       ____     11   ____
·       ____     25   ____
·       ____     8   ____
Write down the number before and after:
·       ____     73   ____
·       ____     50   ____
·       ____     81   ____
·       ____     13   ____
·       ____     64   ____
Copy these numbers and fill in the blanks:
·       12  __    __   15  __  17  __
·       7   8  __  10  __    12  __
·       16  __  18 __  __ 21  __  23
·       13  14  __    __  17  __    __
Copy these numbers and fill in the blanks:
·       20  __    __  23  __  25    __
·       42  43  __  45  __    47  __
·       91  __  93   __   __  96   __
·       33   34  __    __  37  __    __
What is the number 2 more than these numbers (count on 2):

·       2

·       7

·       17

·       11

·       19

Split these numbers into tens and units:
75 = 7 tens and 5 units

·       23

·       48

·       17

·       60

Extra Challenge:

  • How far can you write you numbers to? Can you write them all the way to 100?
  • How far can you count up in 2′s or 10’s? Can you write them in your jotter?

Game to Support Learning:

  • Try ordering and sequencing your numbers on  the Caterpillar .
  • Play with this number square SPLAT!

Easter Holidays

Below are the last lessons I will put up until the 20th April as it is the Easter Holidays! Thank you so much for working so hard over the last 2 weeks, p1/2 – I am very proud of you all.
10 egg-citing things to do during the Easter holidays - Go North EastI hope you can enjoy Easter as much as possible with your families…..and get to eat lots of chocolate!
Mr Green has put lots of links on the Woodlands Home Page on the Blog for different activities – there are drawing, dancing and music ones. You can have a wee look if you are looking for something to do over the holidays. I see there is a link to the Art for Kids Hub – I remembered you enjoyed watching these videos to teach you how to draw in class….Art For Kids HubLinK


Friday Literacy Lesson

Friday Spelling

Warm Up:

  • Read your common words.
  • Watch this video clip on spelling tricky words.
  • Can you remember how to spell any of the words from the video? Try and spell them in your jotter.

Main Activity:

Primary 1 spelling words
Primary 2 spelling words
  • Can you write your spelling words in capitals?
  • Can you write your spelling words backwards?
  • Can you write them in a vertical line? e.g.

Extra Challenge:

  • Can you find any of these words in a book or a magazine?
  • Can you use any of your spelling words in a sentence? Remember a capital letter, full stop, finger spaces and keep reading your sentence back to make sure it makes sense.

Game to Support Learning:

Friday Maths Lesson

Friday’s Mixture of Maths

Warm Up:

  • Count forwards and backwards in 10’s e.g. 50, 60, 70 etc or 80, 70, 60 etc.
  • Count forwards in 2’s….how far can you get?
  • Watch this video to practise counting in 2’s:

Main Activity:

  • Copy and complete these maths sums in your jotter.
  • Look for the Primary 1 and Primary 2 sums.
  • Don’t be caught out by and + sums!

Primary 1

Primary 2

·       Double 3  =
·       Double 9 =
·       3 9 =
·       3 + 52 =
·       7 2 =
·       22 2 =
·       11 + ? = 15
·       98 + ? = 100
·       6 + 5 =
·       78 + 10 =
·       4 more than 16 =
·       10 more than 33 =
·       2 less than 13 =
·       10 less than 85 =
·       18 1 =
·       19 – ? = 17
Order these numbers:
11     5     13      20
Order these numbers:
81     77     80     79
·       Copy and complete:
0  2 __ 6  __  10 __
·       Copy and complete:
10   12   __   16  __   __ 22

Extra Challenge:

  • Can you be the teacher and make up your own maths sums to challenge someone? Remember and mark their work afterwards!

Game to Support Learning:

  • Click on this link and play the Hit the Button! Choose ‘number bonds’ or ‘doubles’.

Thursday Literacy Lesson

Morning p1/2.
I hope you are all well and happy. Did any of you play an April Fool on your family yesterday? I saw lots of signs of Spring on my walk this morning – did you see any on yours?
Here are todays Literacy and Numeracy activities for you to try and have a go at. Well done for working so hard – it must be tricky learning from home when you are inside all the time. I can’t wait to hear all your stories when we are back at school.

Reading Thursday

Warm Up

  • Read your common words. How many can you read without any help?
  • Watch this video to practise naming the capital letters…..have a go at writing them in your jotter afterwards.

Main Task:

  • Choose a story to read with someone.
  • If you would prefer to, click on the link Book Trust and read one of the free online books .
  • Discuss with someone the main things that happened in the beginning, middle and end of the story.
  • Who were the main characters in the story?
  • Where was the story set?
  • What do you think might have happened once the story ended? Draw what you think would have happened to the characters next. If you would like to, you can try and write your new part of the story along with your drawing.

Extra Challenge:

  • Can you find any th, sh, ee, oo or wh words in your book?
  • Can you name the capital letters you find in your book?

Game to Support Learning:

Thursday Maths Lesson

Maths Topic Thursday


Today we will be learning about 2D (flat) and 3D (solid) shapes.  

Warm Up:

  • Watch these videos about 2D and 3D shapes:

Main Task:

  • Shape Hunt – Go on a shape hunt around your house.  How many 2D and 3D shapes can you find around your home?  What made the shapes e.g. a picture, coaster, ball, box of tissues, tin of beans or a box of cereal?
  • Use the templates below to help you know what shapes you are looking for.  Who can find the most shapes?

Extra Challenge:
  • 2D Shape Riddles – grown ups can read the riddle and see if you can guess the correct shape.

shape riddles Y1/2 | Teaching Resources

  • Can you make up your own shape riddle to challenge someone?

Game to Support Learning: